Healing miracle lifts PE school prayer walk to new level

Port Elizabeth primary school pupil, Dante (centre) with his mother, Renee, and Pastor Ronny Sampson, at the PE FM studio where Dante shared his testimony.

A prayer walk on a Port Elizabeth primary school field rose to a new level when a boy who could not walk minutes before ran onto the field shouting that he was healed, said JOT teacher, Paul Clough.

Dante  had been struggling for four months with a crippling back problem which doctors could not diagnose or cure, when God’s healing power showed up just before the start of a recent prayer walk at Verkenner Primary School, said Clough who has been coordinating prayer walks at PE schools since June last year. Several incidences of healing miracles have been reported from other prayer walks.

Paul Clough.

Writing about Dante’s healing, Clough says: “A couple of months ago, Dante went walking with his father and brother, when he felt a pain in his back. They treated it as a pulled muscle and thought nothing further about it. 

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“A short while after this, the rugby coach notified Dante’s parents that he had collapsed after a run around the rugby fields. They immediately took him to hospital, as he was in such great pain that he could barely even move his eyes! The hospital staff immediately administered pain medication and sent him for x-rays. The x-rays told them nothing and he was allowed to go home with some medication. 

“That night the pain became unbearable and Dante cried until he had no tears left. The pain was so great that he even developed a fever.

“Then Dante fell in the passage at home and the family tried to help him with pain medicine, rubs etc. None of this was helping and he was rushed back to hospital. In casualty, they did a CT Scan, but once again this showed nothing. He was sent back home again and remained flat on his back for three days. The fever that he developed was so bad that his family could not even touch him without him crying out in pain. He went back to hospital to see a specialist, but even the specialist could not come up with answers. All that they could do was provide therapy, tablets and the strongest permissible injections for the pain.

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“The family members were now at their wits end; Dante had to return to school even though they could see that he was suffering tremendously. His poor mother just had to bite her tongue and pray.

“Then one morning he was bumped off the stairs at school and the school had to call an ambulance to fetch him. Unfortunately the hospital would do nothing further as the family medical aid fund was now depleted. They sent him home and the situation became desperate. What could they do to help Dante?

“He had to return to school as this was his Grade 7 year, pain and all.

“Then came the day of the Prayer Walk at the school. On this day, Dante got hurt again and was carried into the school from the playground in a chair- he could not move. Students and teachers helped to get him as comfortable as possible in the book room. I asked Dante if I could pray for him and if he believed that God could heal him. Through all of the tears I got a “yes”. After praying for him I asked if he felt anything different and he replied “no- the pain is still there and he could not move”. I asked him to start thanking Jesus for his healing and left to organise the Prayer Walk. It was then that I bumped into Pastor Ronnie who is anointed for the healing ministry. I asked him to come and pray for Dante.

“Pastor Ronnie asked Dante to lift up his feet but he could not. Pastor Ronnie took hold of his feet and gently lifted them off the ground. Everyone present could visibly see that the one leg was shorter than the other. As Pastor Ronnie prayed Dante’s posture shifted and you could see the leg come back into perfect alignment with the other. Dante says that he could actually feel things shift in his body and the next minute he was able to get up out of the chair on his own.

“I was still busy in the playground when I heard a large shout ‘Paul!’ I looked back and saw Dante running across the playground shouting out that God had healed him. What an awesome moment that was- here was the young man that moments ago could not move and then to see him minutes later running across the playground to me. This took our prayer walk to a whole new level as teachers, students and the headmaster were in awe of what God had done. Doctors could not find a solution, but it just took one touch from our Almighty God and within seconds he was healed.

“That afternoon when Dante got into his Mom’s car, he casually told her that he was healed. She looked at him and asked him to explain. He proceeded to tell her what had happened and how God had healed him completely. They just sat in that car in total awe of God for an entire half hour without saying a word. Their beautiful son, who did not even have any tears left to cry with, was back to perfect health- thank you Father God!

“His mother tells me that she can now cry tears of joy when she looks at him, instead of tears of frustration and sadness. One cannot put into words what this has meant to this family. They may have a depleted medical aid, but their bill from Heaven says: ‘PAID IN FULL’- Hallelujah!

“God promised us in the vision that he gave, that when a school humbles itself and prays, then He will pour out His blessing on that school. He is true to His word and we are experiencing this at every prayer walk. Come and be a part of this mighty move of God- call me on 073 478 9281. Any readers are welcome to contact me if they can assist at Insight Learning Centre Newton Park, We meet with the students from 10h15-11h15 every Monday and will continue until the end of term. This is the entire school from Gr R to Gr 12.”


  1. Paul is doing a marvelous job in the schools. He is one of our head ushers at the church and has been faithful for years.
    I met Pastor Ronny Sampson in Israel. I led him to the Lord in the garden tomb and into the baptism of the H.S. in the upper room.
    Ronny prayed for a girl who had drown and 2 hours after she was declared dead she revived. Dutch T.V. came and made a docudrama about the miracle and aired it over the whole of europe. SABC TV showed a portion of the story.
    Ronny has a monthly healing service at Word of Faith. Bring the sick for prayer.

  2. Currently living in New York but grew up in PE. Searched for a spirit-filled church gathering. Read of the awesome work the Lord is doing in your midst for His glory.

    I have a cousin in St George Hosp., in Walmer, Port Elizabeth. His name is Abduragman Khan. They diagnosed him with leukemia and after searching for a donor they finally found one in Port Elizabeth, otherwise, they had him in hosp. in Pretoria. It’s almost as if the Lord does not even want me to mention the word leukemia. The Lord showed me that they would find a donor. Could you keep him in prayer and also, that he come to the saving knowledge in Christ Jesus. Perhaps if you could pay him a visit and pray for him, as the Lord leads for His glory. I know the Lord is always ready to do something to raise up a testimony.
    My testimony:
    Will share the awesome miracle God did in my own mouth when He gave me new teeth which are an on-going work. My new teeth are growing like a child. This is the third set. The Lord manifest Himself so powerfully and it felt like the new teeth or bone were pulled down from up in my pellet. Implant are so expensive. I did not have the money to begin with, and in my moment of desperation the Lord promised me, and I saw as it were in the time of Moses when he struck the rock and water gashed out. Glory to Lord Jesus Christ. I am taking pics to watch the progress. Please continue to keep me in prayer.
    Sophia, New York

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