Healthy exercises for pregnant moms

DVD review by Bronwyn van Zyl, director Alternatives Pregnancy Crisis Centre


Genre: Fitness

Glow Prenatal Cardio Sculpt is a wonderful DVD to assist pregnant moms in doing healthy exercise in all three trimesters. Tonya Larsen is the instructor on the DVD and at the time of the filming she was pregnant in her third trimester with her third child. Tonya understands the challenges that moms face when it comes to getting exercise. Her DVD is brief and effective so that it can be slotted into the lifestyle of a busy mom.

Pregnant moms wonder about exercise and how to exercise safely while pregnant. Most moms want to be fit in order to prepare for birth and motherhood both of which require stamina and energy! This DVD is empowering as it shows you clearly how to exercise safely and have fun while you improve your health and fitness.

There are 5 Low-impact cardio routines and a relaxing stretch segment all with a soundtrack of Christian Dance Music.  Each exercise also has modifications for beginner and advanced levels. If you are pregnant with your second or third child, your older children can join you in these simple but effective exercises.

Exercise has a huge impact on your health and your emotions and can greatly improve the experience of your pregnancy. Glow Prenatal Cardio Sculpt helps you to achieve this safely.

The DVD can be purchased from Brettian Productions . You can view the trailer below.


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