Heaven comes to earth at PE school

Siphosethu Bahyi at the dam at Walmer West Primary School, Port Elizabeth where, in a vision, she saw 'men' with bodies of molten lava.
Siphosethu Bahyi at the dam at Walmer West Primary School, Port Elizabeth where, in a vision, she saw ‘men’ with bodies of molten lava.

[notice]SPECIAL REPORT by Paul Clough, the visionary coordinator of a growing schools prayer walk movement in Port Elizabeth.[/notice]

Siphosethu Gcobisa Bhayi, a Grade 5 student at the Walmer West Primary School in Port Elizabeth, tells us of a vision that God gave her during a recent prayer walk held at their school.

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Rain was pouring down on the day of the school’s prayer walk, so all activities had to be held indoors. The students had just finished with a time of worship and were asked to find a spot in the hall where they could sit alone. This was to be a time for hearing from God, a time of being still and knowing that He is God. After a while, students, teachers and intercessors began coming forward and sharing with everyone what God had placed on their hearts. Many students were visibly moved and began crying before the Lord- it truly was an intimate moment with our Heavenly Father. It was a time when many experienced a “hug from Heaven.”

Lives rededicated to Jesus 
A large number of students were so impacted by what they experienced, that they rededicated their lives to Jesus. There were huge celebrations in Heaven on this day.
After the students left the hall, a Grade 5 student, Siphosethu Bhayi, approached me and explained that God had given her a vision during the “quiet time” in the hall but she felt that she could not share it with the entire school. She explained the vision as follows: “While sitting alone, God led me outside of the hall and into the area of the school where the Grade 3 classrooms are. I saw a huge man standing outside of each classroom. As I looked at the men, I noticed that they were not human, but that their bodies were made out of what looked like fire, but it was not fire — more like molten lava. Their bodies looked like they were moving, as the lava flowed around. I could not see their faces clearly because of  the “fire”. They stood in front of the doorways and were taller than the doors. It was then that I noticed their wings and I stood in absolute awe of them. It was a surreal moment, I felt as if I was in an atmosphere of worship, and yet I could not hear any singing. It was as if I knew that there was music, but could not hear it. My spirit was jumping for joy as I stood there.

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Bodies of molten lava
“Then God led me away from this place and to the front of our school. As I stood in the car park looking towards the dam, I saw a  number of these ‘men’ standing around the school premises. All of them looked the same — bodies made out of molten lava. There was a concentration of these ‘men’ around the dam. I stood looking at all of this and felt a strange kind of peace come over me. I did not fully understand what God was showing me, but I was not afraid or disturbed by what I saw, I just knew that this was something good.

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“I then turned around and walked in through the main school entrance. In front of me and standing to the side of the school hall doorway, was a massive ‘man’ made out of this molten lava. He was much taller than the others and had enormous wings. I did not feel threatened by him and he moved to one side so that I could go through the doorway.

The sports field and school building that were covered in fire in Siphoyethu's vision.
The sports field and school building that were covered in fire in Siphosethu’s vision.

“God then showed me our sports fields and once again I stood in absolute awe. Our entire sports field had what looked like a layer of fire covering it. I could see the grass and above the grass was what I perceived to be a layer of fire. The tongues of fire were everywhere — over the grass, over the trees and even over the roof of the school. Everywhere that I looked, all I could see was fire. The amazing thing was that nothing burned — the grass and trees remained green and there was no smoke! I felt so peaceful and relaxed as I stared at this beautiful sight. An excitement started to build up in me and it was as if the fire was attracting me, pulling me towards it. I started to walk into the fire and instead of burning me, it calmed me. I began to relax and knew that God was all around me. I just knew in my heart that I was standing in the presence of my Heavenly Father. I cannot put into words what I felt at that time- His presence was just so great. Words like peace, love, gentleness, joy spring to mind, but this experience surpassed all of these. I was in Heaven!”

What Siphosethu did not know, was that on the eve of our 2014 elections (just two weeks prior to her vision) a group of intercessors and pastors had come to pray at Walmer West Primary School.  A 24-hour Burn (continuous prayer and worship event) was held in the school hall. The intercessors and pastors had prayed around the dam and laid down crosses at the edge of the dam. They then called on God for His protection of the school and for Almighty God to put His angels around the school. This is exactly what Siphosethu was shown in her vision; the angels and presence of God were still at the school. What a faithful God we serve! He not only hears our prayers, but truly does answer them also.

Fiery presence
I believe that what was experienced in the school hall during the Prayer Walk and why so many students felt a “hug from Heaven” on that day, is because Heaven had come to earth at Walmer West Primary school. There were angels all around and the fiery presence of our Heavenly Father enveloped that school. Walmer West Primary belongs to Jesus. It is my heart’s desire that every school in our beautiful city becomes holy ground  where the presence of our loving Father abounds. Let it be dear Lord, let it be!

Should you wish to be a part of the Prayer Walk movement, then please do not hesitate to contact me, Paul, on 073 478 9281. To God be the glory!


  1. Robbie Kruger

    Wow! how good it is to hear from a school who are serious in spiritual matters. I was in Education for 35 years and I can really say we must appreciate these schools. I am stationed in Port Elizabeth and I would really liked to get in contact with these people. Dr Robbie Kruger

    • Hi Robbie- thank you so much for your positive comment. The headmaster of the school is Mr Oosthuizen and you can contact him on 0413671734. He declares Jesus as the headmaster of his school- Hallelujah!!

      • Paul,my friend, Iam very happy and encouraged by this testimony. God is real and Angels also
        What we can say?Only praise God!Keep on! you and Andre u are doing a fantastic job.My regards.Paul Mbongelo,miss.Drc.Revival

  2. John and penny Gooch

    Thankyou Jesus for this fiery testimony….a generation of prayer warriors is arising. our son Peter Gooch is the Burn responsible ..he needs to read this.
    We live in Morocco. And are thrilled to know what Papa.God is doing back Home..increase of Prayer and praise and holy angels please Lord!!!
    bless the JOT teacher as he nurtures children into battle. We could do with some here…

    • We have been trying to get in contact. Joanna is coming your way and would like to get in contact,

  3. Siphelo Goduka

    I even sense His presence as I read this, God is Real! and I am so proud to let you know that for my very first time I was in Walmer West Primary School only for that 24hrs Election Prayer, I was there with my wife for the first 3hrs after opening and the last 2hrs before closing, it was great! I believe what Siphosethu has seen, blessings to all who organised that event!

  4. Renny Peasnell

    The Lord has truly Blessed Mr Oosthuizen and Staff as well as Children at Walmer West Primary. Mr Oosthuizen is so Obedient to the Lord. I have had the pleasure of being part of 2 Burns at this school and both times have seen The Lords Wonderful Works and Miracles. I pray that Mr Oosthuizen, Staff and Children at this school will continue to be Blessed at this School. Bless Siphosethu too for Sharing with us all

  5. Paul this is absolutely awesome. I really missed out. May this encourage you as you continue to work with the apple of God’s eye and with the support of all the prayer warriors help to create a safe place for these children to grow and praise God with freedom and joy.

  6. This is truly an encouraging story after reading this one http://m.timeslive.co.za/local/?articleId=11908307 our children and schools need such a powerful experience with the presence of God!!! Thank you principal for making Jesus the headmaster of your school

  7. It is great to read such stories.
    Our chidren should know they are
    protected by our Heavenly Father.
    The glory is to Him.
    God bles.

  8. Let YOUR KINGDOM come Abba Father on earth as it is in Heaven Let YOUR WILL be done

  9. I did not receive my copy of 5th of June in my mail but this testimony truly blessed my heart. I believe this is the beginning of things to come for gateway news.I love this vision and the scripture that comes to mind is 2Kings 6:16 when Elijah told his servant; And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.This vision is literal and needs no interpretation. most of the time it is 95 % symbolic and needs interpretation.

    God called me into this ministry to educate Believers about HIS language.Prophetic Dreams Visions and End times is an end time ministry Educating Christian about Dreams and visions and how to hear God through their dreams. Available for Seminars at your church.For more information go to> https://gatewaynews.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/dreamsbig1.png

  10. What awe inspiring news. Miracles are happening now on a regular basis. Our Precious Holy Spirit is pouring Himself out in these end-times to strengthen our faith in God.

  11. This wonderful testimony serves as reminder to the body of Christ what importance God puts on intercession, and spiritual warfare through the prophetic action of Prayer Walking. May all our schools, university and college campuses, our cities, towns, communities be covered in prayer and intercession, and all the ground be prepared for God`s transformational and healing work so that His Name will be glorified.

  12. Siphosethu Gcobisa Bhayi

    Hi thanx for your coments it warms my heart that this has reached your heart, May God keep on Blessing our world especially the future of today. May you be Blessed.

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