Hezekiah Walker — Azusa:The Next Generation: Review

azusaMusic Review by Ellenor Lotter


Listening to AZUSA: THE NEXT GENERATION, I took a long walk down memory lane, all the way back to the summer of 1994.  There I was, a young white girl singing in front of a multi cultured audience for the first time in my life.  Coming from a ‘all white’ background, I was completely blown away by the passion expressed in worship by my new friends, brothers and sisters in Christ, that I have longed for but had just not experienced until that sweet day… Looking back I realize that this day marked a significant turning point in my own journey with God and running after Him in worship.  With all of this said, let me introduce you to Bishop Hezekiah Xzavier Walker, Jr., and his latest offering AZUSA: THE NEXT GENERATION.

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In the year 1906 God began to move in a small Bible study group in Los Angeles, filled with ordinary people, hungry for God.  Many fondly refer to this as the origin of the Pentecostal movement. Here the Azusa Street Revival started!  Today people gather annually to celebrate this wonderful move of God and during one such a celebration held in New York, this production was recorded.  What an event! By the start of the third song on this album, I found myself on the floor worshipping with these majestic musicians, crying out to the Lord of Lords, the One we adore!

With timeless favourites like BREAK EVERY CHAIN I could hardly contain myself! 

The whole time one word kept on floating through my mind:  “authority”.  I heard this in Hezekiah’s voice, but also in the voices of the choir and the other artists joining him.  Oh do imagine with me the kind of impact we as believers in Jesus Christ could have when we believe we are who Jesus said we are, and walk in that authority. 

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Let the worshipper in you arise! 

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