‘I Am Africa’ invites you to take action on xenophobia

weareallafricansI Am Africa, a civil society movement by ordinary Africans to break the silence against Xenophobia and to initiate real action for people affected” invites South Africans to participate in a number of activities it is planning.
Activities include marches from April 20 to 25, a poster campaign and a hotline initiative, says the I Am Africa coordinating team in a media release. More information about the campaign and activities is available on the I Am Africa Facebook page or on request from info@africapeace.co.za
I Am Africa t-shirts will be available for sale at the marches. All proceeds will go towards the campaign and supporting affected families.
I Am Africa posters are available off the community’s Facebook page or can be emailed on request from info@africapeace.co.za 
“Our goal is for these posters to be in every shop, office, school and places of worship as well as on every street light and bus stop. Please help us to put up 1 million posters across South Africa,” says the media release.
The campaign also aims to set up a hotline phone number and create a network of places of safety for affected people.

“We need churches, schools, community centres and people’s homes as Places of Safety. If you are able, please volunteer a place and we will add it to the database. We also need people with their own cars who can volunteer to move people around due to the dangers of using public transport,” says the coordinating team. 


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