‘I have summoned My power; I have given you the seal of My Spirit. Now go’ — Clementia Pae

Word received from the Lord on the morning of November 18

“I have summoned My Power; I have given you the seal of My Spirit, now go.” Says the Lord. “I am sending you to release My light and My power in the lands of deep darkness. I have caused My glory to go before you, and I am your rear guard. The voice of My blood has spoken. Now go, for the nations are waiting. Go, for creation is groaning. Go, go, and I say it again, go.

“I have levelled the grounds before you. I have brought low, the high mountains. I have raised up the low valleys. I have made the crooked ways straight, and the rugged places smooth, now go.

“Go and raise the dead. Go and heal the sick.  Open the eyes of the blind. Loosen the tongues of the mute. Raise the lame. Release my oracles and cause every ear to hear My voice. Go and turn the hearts of men back to Me. I speak to you My sons. I speak to you My chosen ones. I speak to you My faithful beloved. I say, ‘go’. You have been prepared enough. I have given you everything you need. I have given you myself. I am everything you will ever need. The years of waiting are over.” 

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“I have summoned My power for you. I have come”, says the Lord. — Psalm 68:28-30

“Do not shut My power inside of you anymore. Do not quench My fire within you. Otherwise it might consume you. I am releasing you to Go. Go now.

“Many among you have been in the wilderness for far too long. You did not even know what kept you there. Many of you have been sick. But you did not enquire from me either. You wanted the voice of men to tell you what was happening. You wanted the approval of men. And when you did not get it, you became despondent. You withdrew and quenched My fire. This is when you opened the door for the enemy to attack you. 

“Today I am calling you forth. Rise up, shake the dust off your feet, and go to where I will lead you. Go and gather the nations, for I am about to show a wonder on the earth. Gather also those, besides those already gathered. I died for the nations. I died for the lost. I died and rose again in order to restore mankind to My father. This is the work I came to accomplish. The will of my father. And now this is what I want you to do. I want you to walk like me. Talk like me. Be like me. When the world looks at you, they must not see you, but only Me. That is the reason why I am giving you my power. It is not for you to get things, but for you to call things into being. It is for you to reveal my very being. It is for you to transform things into my will and my likeness.” Says the Lord. 

“Some of you cried out to Me for the manifestation of the sons. But you did not know that you are that son that must manifest. Yes, you. Rise up and manifest. Manifest nothing else but the Son of God. Manifest My love. Manifest My power in humility. Manifest My glory in its fullness. I am with you. You do not need a sign, in order to believe that I am with you. But I will give it to you anyway. Can you perceive it.” 

“To those who have resisted my move, I will speak to you as though I was speaking to Pharoah, ‘Let my people go.’ Let my chosen ones go forth and fulfil destiny. Let my intimates go forth and manifest my power. Release them from the four walls. Release them, bless them, support them, wish them well, entrust them to me. Let them go and win souls for My Kingdom’s sake. Let them take My light to the lands of deep darkness. I am He, who will walk with them. I am He, who will guide them. I am the one who gives wisdom, revelation, knowledge and understanding. Will you let Me do it? Will you let me fulfil my will?

“Know this, the four walls cannot save. The programmes cannot save. Money cannot save. But My manifest presence and power can deliver even the most hardened of hearts.

“The time is very near. I am coming back soon. Heaven must manifest on the earth. My kingdom must advance. That is why I have given you the power. 

“I have come with My overshadowing glory. You will witness this. You will surely see where I have been. You will know and recognise My move when you see it. Counterfeits will be no more. But the true move of My spirit will be known on the earth. My word of truth will be known and respected. Even the infants will hear and know My voice. My house shall be gate of heaven. United in the Spirit through the bond of peace

“Focus, focus and focus on Me. Do not be moved by what you hear and see happening out there. Do not be destructed. Focus. Pray My will into existence. Speak My will into existence. Do not try and analyse things. Because if you do, you will miss it. 

“Many of you are fearing the so-called super-powers. They are fearing what will happen of them when the so-called powerful nations reject Me. And yet, I said I have given you nations as your inheritance, the ends of the earth as your possession. When will you possess these so-called super-powerful nations? When will you inherit them? You are fearfully waiting that they might come to you, and yet I have sent you to possess them. I have sent you to release my power in their midst. 

“I have been gracious to you. I have loved you with my everlasting love. I have protected you when the nations were shaken. My favour is upon you. Even as I said it long ago, that in the times of My favour I will answer you. In the days of salvation, I will help you. I will keep you; and I will make you, to be a covenant for my people. To restore the lands, and to re-assign its desolate inheritances. To say to the captives, ‘come out’; and to those in darkness, ‘be free’” Isaiah 49:8-9 That time is now. The time of My favour is now. The day of My salvation is now. I have given you My power and My glory. Will you wait again? Will you wait for the so-called four giants to come and plunder you again? Or will you go and plunder them yourself, for My Kingdom?

“Go, for I have summoned My might. I will display My power through you, as you go. Then the kings will surely bring Me tribute. I will rebuke the enemy nations before you. I will scutter the wild animals lurking in the reeds. The herd of bulls among the weaker calves. These nations will bring bars of silver in humble tribute. And with it, you will rebuild the ancient ruins and devastations in your land. I will lead you in this, with My righteous right hand. For I am with you.

“I say it again, ‘Go’

“Let him who has an ear, hear.” 

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” — Matthew 28:18b-20 


  1. Hi Clementina, thank you for the powerful prophetic Word you shared.

  2. Annette Franciscus

    I receive this prophecy in Jesus Name ! May God’s will be done in South Africa ? & in the world ! I hve a calling 2 pray & fast 4 inner healing & 2 counsel those who hve mental health challenges. I believe God is the Healer & Deliverer & I hve been rescuing people from suicide & destruction ,!

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