In hot pursuit — JP Flugel

JP Flugel

Welcome to ” Team Talk” an inspirational new column for athletes, coaches and everybody who loves sport.

It is a great privilege and an honour to serve God.  I thank God for the many gifts that He gives us. He gives them to us so that we may in turn be a blessing to others and reveal His splendor, majestic ways and great love to all nations. I would also like to thank Andre and the Gateway News team for this opportunity to write this column monthly and report on what God is doing in South Africa and across Africa through sport and sports ministry.

My Column, known as Team Talk, will be published on the second Wednesday of every month and I shall bring you testimonies from sports ministers, chaplains, athletes and coaches. This column aims to be a voice of truth, encouragement and inspiration. It’s sole purpose is to reveal God’s power, His wonderous works and mysterious ways in the sporting world. Join me, JP Flugel, on the second Wednesday of every month for #Team Talk.

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Here is a short personal testmony and teaching that you may come to know me and my heart. May the Lord bless you.

Hot pursuit
Read : Luke 8:26-39
Vs 35 : When they came to Jesus, they found the man from whom the demons had gone out, sitting at Jesus feet, dressed and in his right mind….

I have been in hot pursuit of many things in my life. For acceptance from a father as I was abandoned at a very young age. I have been in hot pursuit of winning at all costs, thinking that this will bring some form of happiness and wholeness to my life. I have been in hot pursuit of popularity by being the life of every party, turning to binge drinking and drug abuse hoping to find out why i constantly felt like i didnt belong. I had many people around me but always felt totally alone and unloved. I have been in hot pursuit of many women, trying to fill the dark hole within my heart. The only thing that I received from the empty relationships was a sexual addiction fuelled by pornography.

As we read the story about the demon-possessed man, there is no record of how he landed up in such a dark place. What I do know is that clearly he was in a lot of pain emotionally, mentally and physically. Even to the point where he lived among the tombs in total bondage. What he didnt know was that the King of Kings, the Saviour of the world, Jesus Christ was in hot pursuit of him. Not even a storm could prevent Jesus from reaching this man. Such was the love Jesus had for him. The end result of his miraculous encounter with Jesus? He was found seated at Jesus’ feet and in his right mind. Hallelujah. Glory to God.

I had an encounter with Jesus. He set me free from alcohol, drugs and sexual addiction. He filled the empty, dark hole in my heart with His unconditional love. He washed me and cleansed me from my sin and now He calls me son. What a peace I have found in Jesus.

No matter what you have done, or what path you may be on, Jesus is in hot pursuit of you. He desires a personal relationship with you. He longs to heal you. He longs to restore you and your family. Just call on the name of Jesus and He will answer you. (Romans 10:13)

Father God, I give you all the glory, honor and praise. I thank you for sending your son Jesus to die for me so that I may have eternal life in you. Forgive me for my sin and cleanse me with the power of your blood. Holy Spirit, come and fill me with your presence in Jesus name, Amen.

Beloved brother or sister, if you have prayed this prayer for the first time and or you are in need of prayer or counselling, I suggest that you contact a local pastor, sports chaplain or Christian friend that can assist you. God bless

JP Flugel

One Comment

  1. What a great and Godly idea to have you do a regular article for Gateway, JP.
    I know it will be a blessing to all who read it. I see a simple legitimacy to how you live out your faith with a deep love for Our Father and for people. He has deposited love and peace within you. I look forward to reading what He lays on your heart to share with us.

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