Intercessor wants to share state capture “revelations” with Zuma, Ramaphosa

A group of intercessors, led by Paul Mbongelo, centre, at a recent thanksgiving prayer gathering at the Union Buildings, Pretoria.

Missionary intercessor Paul Mbongelo says the issue of state capture pressed so heavily on his heart during a recent thanksgiving prayer gathering he led at the Union Buildings that he wants to seek a meeting with former president Jacob Zuma and President Cyril Ramaphosa to share with them what God revealed to him.

Mbongelo, a Democratic Republic of Congo national who lives in Bloemfontein, convened the thanksgiving prayer meeting attended by a small group of intercessors from three provinces after a 50-day time of prayer and fasting to intercede for the nation.

He said that during his prayer and fasting time God gave him the Scripture, Zechariah 7:9-10, to proclaim over the nation. Zechariah 7:9-10 states: “Then this message from the Lord came to Zechariah. “Tell them to be honest and fair—and not to take bribes—and to be merciful and kind to everyone. 10 Tell them to stop oppressing widows and orphans, foreigners and poor people, and to stop plotting evil against each other.”

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The Lord also instructed him to go to the Union Buildings for a thanksgiving prayer meeting, he said. During that meeting  on July 14, the intercessors thanked God for His prophetic call over South Africa and humbled themselves before Him on behalf of the nation to ask pardon for the wrongdoing of the country’s leaders. Mbongelo said South Africa has a prophetic destiny that will come to fruition through the heartfelt prayers and repentance of the nation.

“We also thanked Him [God] for answering our prayers and bringing all the corruption that was in the dark, thus far, into the light. We also thanked God for new leadership, peace and prosperity.”

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Mbongelo said the intercessors prayed fervently for Mbongelo’s proposed meeting with the president and former president.

“Let it be known that God takes what comes to light at the present state capture inquiry to heart and that there is a heavenly mandate to deal with these issues.”

He said we should never take prayer for granted, “the harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few.”

In 2017 Mbongelo led a similar national repentance prayer gathering at the Union Buildings in response to a call from the Lord. Last year, after a 50 days of prayer and fasting he embarked on a trip to all nine provinces of South Africa to release a word that an old fashioned tent meeting can save the nation.

One Comment

  1. WONDERFUL news we have to proclaim Fathers instructions to the Nation the time is NOW GO BOLDLY

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