Israel speaker, Malcolm Hedding, talking in Cape Town, Stellenbosch

Rev Malcolm Hedding.Rev Malcolm Hedding a sought-after international speaker on Israel and the Church will be speaking at several venues in Cape Town and Stellenbosch this month.

Hedding who served as He served in Jerusalem as the head of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) from 2000 to 2010 is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God Church of Southern Africa and now lives with his wife, Chery, in Murfressboro Tennesse, USA, where he is serving as an associate minister of the World Outreach Church.

He is conconsidered one of the most authoritative theologians concerning the modern day restoration of Israel and its relation to the Church, says Vivienne Myburgh, one of the organisers of his speaking tour.

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Hedding’s programme which is hosted by Camps Bay Christian Church is:

Friday April 17 — Pastors Breakfast
Israel a paradigm shift
Time: 7.30 for 8am
Place: AGS Goodwood, Friend of God, c/o Frans Conradie and Vasco Boulevard (off N1, Vasco Boulevard drive)
Cost: R50
RSVP or enquiries – and enquiries to Frieda 021 438 9674
Bank details: Am Israel Chai, FNB, Stellenbosch (200610),

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Friday April 17 – Saturday April 18 — Weekend Seminar
Why did God choose Israel and what does it have to do with us today?
Friday, 7pm to 9pm — The Middle East in crisis
Saturday morning (10 am to 12.30)
1 – Understanding the Biblical covenants and Israel
2 – Israel and the Church today
Lunch – 12.30 to 1.30
Saturday afternoon (1.30 to 3.30 pm)
3 – The royal family and Israel
4 – Israel in the end times
Where: AGS Friend of God Church, Goodwood
Cost: R100 including lunch
Bookings/enquiries: or Frieda 021 438 9674

Sunday, April 19 — Morning service at Shofar Church, Stellenbosch.

Monday, April 20 — 7pm to 8pm atthe Pulp Cinema in the Neelsie student centre on the Stellenbosch University campus.

Tuesday, April 21 — Pastors Breakfast
Israel, a paradigm shift
Time: 7.30 for 8am
Place: Delvera in the Vineyards (Directions: Cnr. R44 & Muldersvlei Rd, between Stellenbosch and Paarl – GPS Coordinates: S 33’50.973’ EO18’51.375’)
Cost: R50
RSVP/enquiries: Vivienne Myburgh, 083 306 0009 • 021 8833301

One Comment

  1. Were thr talks/lectures recorded and can they ne purchased. I live in Gauteng and would love to hear his insights

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