It’s the year of God’s release — Paul Mbongelo

Paul Mbongelo (centre), releasing a prophetic word in Port Elizabeth last Saturday, as Pastor Zolile Dayimani (left) and Afrika Mhlophe (right) listen.

2020 is “the year of God’s release — a time in which we [God’s people] need to stand boldly before God and claim our rights,” said missionary intercessor Paul Mbongelo in Port Elizabeth last Saturday.

Mbongelo, a Democratic Republic of Congo national who lives in Bloemfontein, was sharing a prophetic word which he said he received from God during a period of 50 days of prayer on a mountain on a farm near Bloemfontein early this year. He said the Lord wants him to proclaim the word in all nine provinces of SA.

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Referring to Deuteronomy 15:1 — At the end of every seven years thou shalt make a release — he said God highlighted the passage to him and reminded him that seven years ago, in 2013, He sent him around the country to “blow the trumpet and proclaim that it was a year of jubilee”.

“God always does things in season. Now is the time of release. It’s the Lord’s release, not man’s,” he said.

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Mbongelo read other verses in Deuteronomy which speak of a time when God requires creditors to release fellow Israelites from debt.

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He said the devil brings believers under bondage through using their mistakes to make legal claims to withhold the promises and blessings of God.

“But the law of God says that after seven years they [blessings and promises of God] must be released. The devil no longer has a legal claim to hold onto them because God has given an opportunity to be forgiven — to be released from all those things.”

He said: “When God’s release is proclaimed it gives the Holy Spirit the right to move — because the Holy Spirit is the law enforcement in the Kingdom of God.

“When release is proclaimed, the Holy Spirit moves and says to Satan: ‘Give up!’ He [the devil] must release what previously could not be taken from his hand. He is obliged to give up because it is the law of God.”

Mbongelo said: “God is so serious about these laws. Remember, even for us to be saved it was a good purpose — but God had to submit himself under His own law — the law of redemption. He could not just come and say: ‘I love them; I have come to save them.’ He had to carry the cross and die to fulfil the law of redemption for us to be saved.

“How much more will the Holy Spirit enforce Satan to submit himself to obey the law of God — and Satan must give up!”

He said that if we do not claim our blessings in this time, things will remain the same.

He pointed to verses in Exodus 21 about Hebrew servants being granted the right to walk free after seven years unless they chose to stay with their masters, whereupon their masters would pierce their ears and they would remain servants forever. This spoke of people who missed the season of getting free and seeing the fulfilment of their promises and blessings.

“When you receive the [prophetic] word [of the year of God’s release], you receive the mandate to release it. There is authority to be connected to what God is doing.”

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