iWorship — Now/Next 2014: Review

nownext2014Music Review by Ellenor Lotter


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In the wake of Passover as just celebrated all over the globe, I find myself with the desire to shout the good news from the mountains and give a sigh of great relief to discover a compilation album just recently released by Integrity, called iWORSHIP: Now Next 2014.

I love a great movie and was so impacted by Son of GOD recently. With those scenes still very vivid in my mind, I find myself being more sensitive to the lyrics of the music I listen to. THE ANTHEM by Planetshakers to me is the message of the gospel in one song. I absolutely loved IN JESUS’ NAME by Darlene Zschech, and have been following her ministry from the beginning.  Gateway News recently reported news of her battle with Cancer.  This song breathes so much life and I am looking forward to hearing the songs birthed in this season.

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You will also find Paul Baloche with MY HOPE.  We have done reviews on ALL SONS & DAUGHTERS, PLANETSHAKERS, as well as MARTIN SMITH and it is great to see these songs included in this album. JESUS REIGNS by New Life Worship is a song I have not heard before; what a powerful song! 

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This album has 15 of the best NOW/NEXT songs and is well worth a listen.

Let the worshipper in you arise!

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