Jake Hamilton and Sons of Life live recording at Spirit Word Ministries

Jake Hamilton and Sons of Life will be joining forces in a live recording at Silfontein on November 22 and 23.
Jake Hamilton and Sons of Life will be joining forces in a live recording at Silfontein on November 22 and 23.

Jesus Culture artist Jake Hamilton and Jesus Culture producers will be collaborating with Sons of Life, the worship band at Spirit Word Ministries (SWM), to record a live album at the church in Stilfontein, North West, on November 22 and 23.

“The band feels it is not only going to be an event but rather an encounter with God; there are millions of good musicians out there, but when God steps on the scene, then situations and lives have to change,” said SWM Youth Ministry Leader Qunitis Jacobs.

According to a bio posted on the Sons of Life website the band members are the three sons of “powerful prophet” and founder of SWM, Kobus van Rensburg. The collaborative live recording came up as a result of their meeting former Jesus Culture manager Jerry Niswander earlier this year when he was travelling throughout South Africa with filmmaker Darren Wilson who was promoting his movie Father of Lights. When Niswander, who now manages Sons of Life, first heard them he said he felt like he could listen to their worship the whole night.

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The bio continues:”One thing led to another and he asked the brothers if they wanted to record an album with Rylan Records (Niswander’s production company).The brothers then flew to the USA for the annual Bethel Conference in Redding, California, where they met up with Jeremy Edwardson (producer of Jesus Culture) to talk about the album being recorded with Niswander. During September 2013 Jerry and Jake Hamilton came to Spirit Word to discuss the live recording of the album and the details pertaining to it. Jake and the boys enjoyed playing together so much that they all decided that Jake had to form part of the recording.”

Describing the historical roots of the band, the bio says the Van Rensburg brothers were born in Klerksdorp and raised in Stifontein. They are, from oldest to youngest, Kobus aka “Mr.Gold”, Johan aka “Jo” and Petrus “aka MrGrooves”. Since they were young, their father prophesied over them and encouraged them to pursue their passions and dreams. They were taken to music classes from an early age, and even then it was evident that there was a higher calling on their lives in the area of music. Since then they formed the greater part of the Spirit Word Worship. They have already performed live in front of thousands and they love to share and preach the love of God to many nations, says the bio. In September 2013 Terrence van Wyk joined the brothers to fill the last place in the band as the bassist.

Tickets for the live recording from 7pm on Friday November 22 and Saturday November 23 cost R100 per day or R50 for children under 13. Weekend passes cost R150 or R75 for children. For groups of R20 or more the costs are R80 per person for day passes and R130 per person for weekend passes. Tickets can be purchsed through iTickets.


  1. To all interested parties please note the theology of this church. It believes and proclaims that Jesus Christ has come once; is now living in the hearts of believers and will therefor not come again. There will be no rapture, literal 2nd coming, millennium reign or final destruction of the known earth. Tribulation occurs at present in the lives of those who have not yet embraced this belief. In the future they believe, people will grow in this knowledge and develop into beings that though faith overcomes death and live in harmony on earth forever.

    • Sibusiso Mavuso

      Trait. That’s not true. Jesus is coming again! You misinterpreting everything.

      • Hi Sibusiso. Please accept my apology if I wasn’t clear: this is not my philosophy. This is the belief of SWC. I know Jesus is coming literally. He will rapture his bride before the great tribulation etc… exactly like Revelation promises it.

    • Buddy that is very unnecessary!!!We are advertising a worship event, an event where people worship God!!!And you come and speak against the body of Christ…We didn’t ask you to come, if we offend you then please don’t…But this event is solely about experiencing God together!!!It’s all about Jesus…So please think before you just post stuff about churches!!!

  2. Good day Quintis. Please note that I’m not offended by you or your belief. I have indeed thought about this. My heart is not gripped by animosity but by compassion. Judgment day will escape no-one so I had to make sure I warn as many as I can while I still can. My rift is not with the body of Christ but with her imitators. If I’m wrong you have nothing to worry about. If not, you cant say you haven’t heard.

    • Buddy this is not a blog…go to facebook or something to write your opinions this is like I said about worship…and to say we are imitators???you are really funny!!!anyway be blessed and all ia sk is just think twice before you post your thoughts on other people’s “events”!!!

    • So exited to be a part of this huge mark in history! Praise Jesus!!! These brothers have such a beautiful relationship and friendship and God uses them mightily for His Kingdom. VERNON TAIT…ag sheim…..I am suppose to move in love now, even though its hard, but sheim really that you do not know these people and what they speak through and in love. You look and listen in judgement. Yet again….ag sheim. I hope you have the guts to come meet these people in person and get changed by the power of God’s love love love.

  3. God came to give life so why do you want to die to go to heaven, plus he created earth, why do you think he placed you on earth so the idea of rapture means that he messed up in creating earth and doesnt want you here, What God creates is perfect and he created us on earth to rule and reign as kings, The bible clearly states that we should love one another and therefore we live I the perfect will of God, we are here to change the world and not to think that we are righteous and would be raptured and if thats your idea its means you are to lazy to change and love the world, start today by giving a non christian love and a ear to hear his problems then just pray for him you will soon realise what our purpose as christlike people are.
    im not wrighting this to offend but to enlighten you to the true gosple and that is go out share the good news heal the sick and raise the dead and thats not my words thats what Jesus said

  4. Terence we are so proud of you and cannot wait to watch you live with the band. May you experience His presence!

  5. bongani mahlangu

    Spiritword I always watch your channel and it has raised my faith and I like to take you so much god continue to bless you and I love the worship team keep up the good work men of God

  6. Renosi Dikobe

    I love,love, love your music and want to be a follower on Facebook, but it’s such a struggle for me and most of my friends. Maybe we are not missing it somewhere but if there’s an easier link, please send it to us. Big fans of your band

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