Jesus take the wheel: Gauteng trip: week 4 — Julita Kok

Julita Kok reports on her latest road trip with Jesus — this time to Gauteng

So the end of my time in Johannesburg has arrived and at the time of starting this article I am about to start my homeward journey. And, I must be honest, I am looking forward to being back home in Kleinmond again. I have seen many people and experienced a lot. It is difficult to explain it all here as it was all about individuals with personal issues and things. But God sorted each and every one.

Heading home: daybreak just outside Johannesburg

I saw many tears and I saw many breakthroughs in the eyes of people. One awesome thing which happened was my meeting with a couple who brought a friend. I did not know that this friend had decided years ago to stop believing in Jesus. I just started talking of the goodness of God and the love Jesus has for each and every one of us. Two days later I received a call from the couple telling me about their friend’s history. Apparently, my bubbling over and joy in the Lord touched him so much that he decided to just turn back to God and Jesus. Something happened in those moments and I was not even aware of it, but HE was!!! He loves everybody and does not want one person to be lost. He runs after that one sheep. Is it not amazing?

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Also my couple who came to Jesus after serving foreign gods, are now on a course as they are about to be baptised. Is this not simply amazing? Their lives have changed completely.

Heading home: Northern Cape

I also sat with a couple in the finance industry and explained to them the difference between wealth and riches and this totally changed their perspective on money. And especially in these times, this is sooo important to understand and to know Who your Source is. We are not of this economy. We use it, but it is not our source — those of us who are in Christ.

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Many of you will remember Ouma Geraldine and my connection to her. It is so strange and so wonderful. So I wake up on Sunday and I know that I know that I know, I must call ouma. But first, the Lord told me to Read Haggai. So I did. I later on phone ouma and she tells me this: “I am so thankful that you have ears to hear. I called you in the Spirit last night as I have something to share with you. God spoke to me through the book of Haggai and we are in that time now. A time to preach the Gospel to the ones who serve foreign gods. A time when they will come to Christ”.

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It is simply amazing how God goes before us and it made me realise that we as His children do not have to worry about communication in the future. He will connect us in the Spirit and however this will work is not my concern. What is, is that my spiritual ears and eyes must be open to see and hear what the Spirit has to say.

Heading home: Threewaterskloof Dam

I met with so many people with questions about the times we are in. All I can say is that this is the time where you and I must choose. And if you choose to follow Him, then build your relationship as this is a time of many voices and you and I must KNOW His voice from all the others and this is the voice you follow. It will keep you safe from all things not of God.

I have been in Gauteng, Limpopo, FreeState and Northen Cape during the past four weeks. But now it is time to return home. I have no idea what God has in store for me. South Africa is at level 4 lockdown again and I will keep on spreading the Good News of His faith and love. More than ever before, people need to hear this. This is the certain thing we have.

From my house to yours — stay blessed and bury yourself in His love. This is our safe place.

Heading home: the beautiful Caledon district

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