Julita Kok is once again handing the steering wheel over to Jesus — this time on a road trip with God through Namibia. Read Episode 11 of her weekly reports here.

My last week in Namibia was probably the most difficult one. Apart from the fact that the south is truly a harsh country, the people I was asked to see, had just so many issues and questions and battles.
Parents who lost a son in a car accident; a woman who’s husband was caught in multiple affairs and has children with other women; a man who has so much debt, he thinks God has forsaken him; a woman who is bringing up the child of her husband and the domestic worker; a man who says he wants to serve God, but cannot stay away from women…. desperately asking for help; a woman who gave her heart to Jesus and came clean to her husband concerning her past and now he wants to divorce her; people obsessed with demons and not Jesus and so I can go on and on.
It was challenging and yet, amongst all of this, God showed us all why He is God. His love for people is truly one of the most spectacular things I have ever witnessed in my life. I always walk away in awe of who He is.

And then I also had this couple, married for 65 years — 65 years. — and when I walked in, they started with questions about God and life and I knew, lots of bitterness here. What happened next was one of the most terrible things I have seen in all my life, but also one of the most amazing. 65 years of hurt and misunderstanding and brokenness were brought to light.
Accusations were thrown around like a well was opened up. It just poured out. And then the Holy Spirit (the Spirit of Truth) came and gave me wisdom and knowledge (concerning the past) and at the end they could just love each other again.
The 90-year-old woman said that never in her life did she ever tell anybody the things that she told me that day and I knew that God had come to heal the wounds of the past. But I saw what life can be like if you do not communicate and are not truthful in your marriage.
So sad. 65 years which could have been spent so differently. But God restores and He was gracious to this couple. But all of this just made me realise once again why Jesus died for us. Man is not able to save himself. Our carnal mindsets are in the way. But once somebody understands what Jesus did on the cross, everything changes. So thankful for that.
Namibia changed my mindset yet again. I will do a last post next week concerning my experiences and what I feel God did in Namibia and share some feedback from the people.

This is an adventure I will cherish forever. I travelled 11 300km in 10,5 weeks. People still cannot believe that I travelled as a woman alone and that I had no flat tyres or kudus jumping in front of the car or anything happening to me on the dirt roads. One time I travelled for 11 days without seeing one car road. I feel a little like an expert on dirt roads now hehehehe. But Namibia was an adventure and because He sent me, He protected everything and gave His angels command over me; and I had sooooo many prayers protecting me. I never once felt unsafe.
For now, I am just going to sit with God and debrief on Namibia. They tell me I brought hope and revival in the hearts of people. I also taught Namibia a song which is now called the revival song. Ruth Heflin taught me that song and I wonder how she feels when she looks down and sees how her song is touching people many years after her death!
Such an awesome God. I only know that God touched many lives including my own. The only “bad” thing about travelling with God in this way, is the fact that it makes one hungry for more. So we will see what the future holds. I can do nothing unless He sends me.
For all your support I am truly thankful. May God continue to bless us all and may we continue to be still and know that He is God. Therein lies a secret I once again realised and made my own travelling with Jesus at the wheel. For it is not by might, nor by power, but by His Spirit.
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