Jesus take the wheel: Namibia edition: week 1 — Julita Kok

Julita Kok is once again handing the steering wheel over to Jesus — this time on a road trip with God through Namibia. Read Episode 1 of her weekly reports here.

Jesus take the wheel SA series

And here I am on my way to Namibia feeling so inadequate for what God is asking from me. In times like these I remind myself of all the scriptures that tell me I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, but allow me to explain why I say this.

Those of you, who followed my travels through South Africa, will remember about God saying the rain would follow me. And it did. Not by my doing, but because He said it. The Namibia people got hold of this and trust that I will bring rain for them too. I received a voice message yesterday from a woman in ICU (Covid), she can hardly speak, but she is telling about the drought in the Kamanjab district and the suffering of the animals and people. No more water even underground. All wells have dried up now. And then she asks if I cannot come to them first to open up the wells in prayer. They call this area “forgotten by God”. Can you imagine!! The desperation in her voice just made me cry.

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Julita Kok

And here is the thing. I can do nothing for the people. Only God can. He can surely use me and this is not about that. It is about the expectation of the people. They are so desperate that they think I will come and make a difference. And I understand it all, but it puts me at a place of feeling inadequate. Their need is so huge. Their desperation so deep. They believe God has forsaken them, and of course you and I know He did not, but live in their reality where both man and animal is dying now, then you might also think this. And now they place their trust in my relationship with God to bring change. I understand it all. I do. But I know that I know that I know I can do nothing. Only God.

So I am asking you, the readers, to intercede for me. To closely be able to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit whisper in my ear as to what must be done. And He will show me. And we will pray. And we will trust. I do believe God is sending me specifically at this time. And He will be glorified in this hour. I can only call on Him who created the heavens and the earth. The Miracle Worker. The Way Maker. And may I truly ignite hope and faith in the hearts of the people for I am sure, that will bring the change.

So, back to this journey. God told me to travel through Namibia as this country is an ancient well that needs to be opened up. It will be very significant in times to come as Africa is on God’s agenda and Namibia is very much a part of that agenda. I have Isaiah 35 as my roadmap, establishing a holy highway for God’s people. God wants to restore the people of Namibia, but He also wants to restore the land. The soil, its resources, nature. All of it. He wants to move through Namibia and turn the hearts of the people towards Him more than ever before. It is time for the sons to rise. As simple as that.

I will start in Aroab and move all the way to Bethany, Luderitz, Walvis Bay, through Henties Bay, Otjiwarongo, Tsumeb, Etosha, Rundu, Windhoek, Stampriet, Gobabis, and so many other places. I will travel the roads as God leads and see where He takes me and who I will meet.

This trip excites me more than ever. And the fact that I feel inadequate makes me more excited, because then I know…God has plans and He will equip me in the moment. He has prepared me for this my whole life and here I am, on the verge of giving to the people all I received from God throughout the years.

So I am inviting you, to join me on this journey. Let us together see the goodness of God and His love for people. God was always in the soul business and still is. And that is my business too as I am a worker in His field.

Pray for me. Pray for the people of Namibia. Pray for the land. And let us be witnesses to what God is about to do. With Christ living on the inside of me, I will be able to handle all coming my way. And He will anoint me at the appropriate time to be Jesus to the people of Namibia, for I am nothing, but in Him I am everything. Pray that they will see His glory and holiness and experience His love like never before.

I pray that God will bless you and yours and that God will be glorified in all you do.

One Comment

  1. Well, I for one will be journeying with you and praying for God’s leading and anointing.
    Ingrid Kelly

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