Julita explores from Cape to Cairo: Episode 12 — Nearly there!

What a journey this has been so far!! How do you truly tell someone all you have experienced and learned and endured?  I do not know how because it is a wealth of stories and experiences and adventure with God that can simply not be translated into words.
But I will try.

I have arrived in South Africa, but still not home. At the time of writing, I am in Sasolburg. Going home slowly. Piece by piece, visiting people on the way who God puts on my heart. I had an amazing time in Namibia and was welcomed by 40 people coming to greet me at the place I stayed. To see so many people I love, was a little bit overwhelming.

Revived Kalahari

God put a nation, Namibia, In my heart and it surely was no act of mine. I have never known that one can love a nation that is not yours, as if it is your own. Namibia is this to me. They are my people. Brothers and sisters God has given me. And to just travel the vastness of the country again was truly spectacular. I was spoiled and taken on two safaris while there and I just realised — Africa is a beautiful continent. I travelled the whole of Serengeti and Ngorongoro and yet, Botswana, Zambia and Namibia have just as amazing views and animals. Just not as big as Serengeti. But nevertheless as breathtaking. I had some amazing Namibia meat, of course and felt right at home with a hot shower, great bed and amazing food and even more amazing company.

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The grass is back

I had an even better time in the Kalahari in Noenieput. Those following my stories from the start, might remember the farmer in Noenieput. Let me recap in short. When I met him, they had been in a drought for 8 years. He had nearly no animals left and carcasses were lying all over his farm. There was no water anymore and he knew that the last of his animals would die soon.

But during this time, he did an amazing thing. One morning he took me to his Gatdam — an empty dam. No water whatsoever and never had water. He said that this was his heritage and gift to the generations to come. A farmer who understood the mandate of the soil; the farm he was on; the ground God entrusted him with. Everyday for two years, with his own hands, he kept at digging, digging, digging this dam, escaping the drought and pleading with God to send rain. It was a terrible sight — this empty dam which had never seen water and this farmer pleading with his God to send rain.

During that time God said that the rain would follow me and it did. So at the time, I kept on telling the farmer that the rain was coming and true to His word, when I left, it started raining. They sent me pictures of the rain and even I was blown away by what God was doing.

Now, 18 months later, I again came to the farm and this time I was blown away by the abundance and the overflow on the farm. Hundreds of fat animals, tall grass waving in the wind!!! Unbelievable but believable when you know a living God is at work. I humbly bow before Him as His love and greatness and just His kindness is so overwhelming. To see this 73-year-old farmer standing at his FULL, overflowing dam….. humbling!!! Absolutely humbling to know our God knows our names!! He cannot even remember the drought in his bones as God has poured out His overflow.

At his full dam

I left Noenieput so satisfied and I knew that it was well with their souls. God showed Himself as God once again. No man could fix the Kalahari but God.

I there left for Kimberley and then continued to Pretoria, where I was to drop off my daughter to be home in time for her 24th birthday. And I did.

And now I am continuing on my journey home. My heart overflowing with the joy and goodness of our God!! Oh man!!! I love Him. I love Him just for knowing our names!!

“How big is God!! How big and wide His vast domain. To begin to tell, these lips can only try! His big enough to rule this mighty universe; yet small enough to dwell within my heart”

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One Comment

  1. Thank you Julita for all the wonderful stories and testimonies thus far – I cannot wait for the next episode. This one has gripped my heart and the tears were streaming down my face….the story of the farmer in Noenieput! i grew up in the Karoo with its droughts and could identify with this wonderful story! thank you Father!! bless this dear farmer – and all those farmers who have suffered soooo much during these past years of drought. I’ve travelled with you in spirit and and I prayed with, and for you, and for all these people that have crossed your way. May our Father keep them safe. Looking forward to the next episode……….

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