KMMC 2013 exceeded expectations, say organisers

Thousands of men worship God under a Karro night sky at KMMC 2013. (PHOTO: Rob Southey).
See picture gallery below for more Mighty Men images

As the Karoo dust settles on Renosterfontein farm near Middelburg where thousands of men gathered for the third annual Karoo Mighty Men Conference last weekend, the KMMC committee have reason to thank God for an awesome and impactful event.

In a step of faith this year the committe decided to invite men to attend the event for free, as they believed God was leading them to model the KMMC on Biblical festivals of old. Another feature of this year’s preparation was 40 days of sunrise-to-sunset prayer on Renosterfontein as well as intensive intercession throughout the KMMC weekend.

The images in the photo gallery below capture some of the joy and wonder of the weekend. A more comprehensive CD of photos by Rob Southey and David Stott is included with a DVD pack that features the four sessions led by Dawie Spies, Afrika Mhlophe, Johnny Louw and Angus Buchan. The media packs can be ordered online at

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Gateway News asked two of the commitee members to comment on the weekend.

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Dave Turner, who headed up the intercession campaign, said: “The weekend was beyond all expectations. The Bok-en-Biltong evening was so powerful – impacting a wide spectrum of the Middelburg community. The ladies loved the Ladies Breakfast, and both these events were fully booked out – not usually a problem in Middelburg.

“From the registrations for the conference we were expecting more than last year, but didn’t realise it would be more than double. This had the vendors on the hop trying to keep up, while Middelburg ran out of cooldrinks and bottled water. This was also as a result of the near perfect weather conditions – hot days, mild nights and very little wind.

“The speakers were all brilliant – four people close to me each mentioned a different one as being the most meaningful to them. For me, Afrika’s message will go down as being significant in the future of our country, especially as it was delivered on Freedom Day. The testimony and inspiration of Paul Wright of the Bikers Church was so gripping that his minutes ended too soon for everyone.

“One of the outstanding features was the teamwork, enthusiasm and involvement of so many people from outside of the Committee.  There is such a growing team of people who are now part of the Karoo MMC team and their participation is an inspiration to us all. For example, the guys involved with the translation services willingly offered to do this difficult job, but it was their enjoyment of it and enthusiasm that amazed me.”

Ruthi van der Merwe, who managed the marketing portfolio, said: “Once again God has done something awesome in our midst. Everything was perfect. From the testimonies that are coming in we can see once again that we serve a God who cares about relationships. Firstly a relationship between you and God, and then with the people around us. The relationship between father and son; husband and wife; family ties; and friends! We see how relationships that seemed without hope were restored in the blink of an eye. Miracles!

“We experience God as a God of appointments. Appointments that are planned with attention to minute details. The testimonies about these appointments take our breath away. Therefore I am once more able to say with certainty that God is a God who is interested in every detail of my life.  A God who takes me by the hand every step of the way and demonstrates his care of every aspect of my life.

“After such a weekend I realise anew that I am indeed called to be loved, to belong and to become! It is a great, great privilege to be a member of a team that gets to organise such an event as the KMMC.”


  1. This was indeed a privilege to be there and praise our GOD in such a way, I was filled again by the HOLY SPIRIT and renew my love of GOD. thanks for the organizers.
    I pray that GOD bless you all.

  2. All the Glory to God!

  3. Rev Ian Karshagen

    All of us from Maclear EC had an amazing time. The Word was preached by all the speakers and testifiers directly to the point. I don’t think we’ll ever be the same! Bless you all

  4. i dont see pics…

    • Just click on the Picture Gallery link (from the KMMC logo image) below the 3rd paragraph. There are 26 awesome pics in the gallery.

  5. Samuel de Wee

    Awesome weekend. Awesome God we serve

  6. Thank You Andre God bless U:-)

  7. Richard Marsh

    An amazing weekend which I really needed. I am back where I should be with God now!! Everything sort of fell into place to allow me to come to MMC, from receiving a pamphlet 2 weeks before and then a phone call urging me to go, then a friend who I never thought would ever go to a Christian conference deciding to come with and share fuel costs. I was meant to be there, and now I know why. Thank you to all who arranged it.

  8. Bennie van Aardt

    Dankie vir almal wat dit gereel het en dankie vir on Here wat dit vir ons so maklik gemaak het. Weereens is ou aarde toe en besef mens dat jy jou besig hou met goed wat nie saakmaak nie. Dankie Jesus vir die woorde wat ons krag gee.

  9. Awesome to see Men of God dwell together in Unity(Pslm 133). Thanks Angus for the Vision that God through Christ has bestow upon your life. Just a short testimony that I want to share with you. I was busy praying at the Cross for about a hour on Saturday afternoon after Pastor Africa ministered the word. When I got up and just looked into the sky, I saw this cloud in the form of a hand covering the whole area where the conference was held. This was from the House to the last Caravan and tent that was pitched. I believed that all of us was covered under the Mighty Hand of God. It was just awesome to look at. Men of God it is time and it is now. You can make a difference. God Bless. Looking forward to next KMMC.

  10. Samuel Cramford

    It was my 1st MMC and by God’s grace it will not be my last. I had a wonderful experience on Saturday morning at the cross. The worship was awesome and the sermons were life changing.

  11. My first one. Most definitely not my last. I was greatly inspired by this gathering of God’s people. Many tears flowed but I feel revived. Our God is awesome. AMEN!

  12. Hans Pieterse

    What an awesome weekend. Looking forward to seeing how the Lord is going to work out all we heard in our lives in the next year. What a time in God’s presence with all those guys. Thanks to all the organizers, WELL DONE!!

  13. Danny Greeff

    It was absolutely amazing being with so many people in God’s presence! Thank you for every single person that made it possible! This was my fisrt, and NOT my last. Our God is awesome! Thank you and God Bless

  14. This was my first MMC, and for the first time ever things made sense, my life made sense. With eyes filled with tears and my heart pounding of joy, i for the first time experienced the love of God, experiencing brotherhood and and knowing that i am so so blessed to be part of this amazing experience. My eyes opened,my heart opened…Thank you to everyone who made this possible!

  15. It was GREAT !

  16. Andre Steynbergh

    By the Grace of God I had the opportunity to be there with my two teenage sons. The priveledge as a father that I felt , was overwelming and to spend a whole weekend in the presence of God was life changing. All Glory to God our Mighty Father. We are Sons of God and Proud of it !!!!

  17. Jan Schoeman

    Dit was my eerste mmc wat ek bygewoon het, maar beslis nie die laaste nie. Elke man behoort dit by te woon. Baie baie dankie.

  18. All honour and glory to the most high JESUS!

  19. Indeed : our God of SMALL details. My brother in Christ went and there ran into another (older)brother who had been on his heart for 2 weeks before and he wondered whether he was alive or dead. They met ‘by chance’ at MMC – only to find out that the older one was on the verge of being out on the street. My brother spontaneously offered that he could come and live in a Kingdom community the Lord is currently establishing – he moved in with us a few days ago and now has a beautiful room instead of a park bench – and we are blessed to have such a staunch and cheerful brother join us ! God is GOOD !! :-)

  20. Jacques Malan

    Ruthi, I make the bold statement to say that people under estimate you and all the work you perform behind the scenes. You are such an inspiration to us all. From communication all the way through to making us a coffee when myself and Johnny came to visit, were very much appreciated. You are truely one of a kind and we love you very much. Thank you and Ponny for all your hard work. I bless you with the riches of God’s grace, His love and His peace.

  21. Hoe kan jy hier gewees het en nie verander nie? Man, dit was “Awsome”! Aan al die organiseerders, baie dankie. Dit was my eerste MMC. Volgende keer hoop ek om met saam met meer manne hier op te daag. Ons was ‘n groepie van 8 uit Oos-Londen.

  22. Clinton Bosch

    This was my first MMC and definitely not my last.I can’t describe my experience except to say that is was overwhelming.To see so many of Gods men in one place,WOW.There is only one God that can change a man’s heart and HE is our GOD.I pray for blessings on all who are involved in Mighty Men and ask God to help us to get more of our brothers and sons to the next Conference.In Jesus name.

  23. JC van der Walt

    What a great blessing that we were 35 guys from Venterstad that were touched so closely by God’s Word. The Spirit filled our hearts.

  24. Anton Myburgh

    Thank you to all the organizers, for a great weekend, filled with absolute touching presence of the Holy Spirit, the experience of witnesing so many mighty men there for the same reason, is a gift from God, all praise to Him.
    From some of the men of Cypressdale farm. Micheal, Anton, Dane and Keenan. We will bring more men to the next MMC

  25. Wayne Damons

    what an AWESOME experience!!!

  26. Hennie Pienaar

    Wat n voorreg om daar te kon wees, weereens my lewe aan God oor te gee en EEN week later my te laat doop! God is groot!!!

  27. Rocco de Villiers

    Thanks Jannie and your team. An AWESOME EXPERIENCE.


    our t trip to the third trip to the Karoo from Durban and it was just so amazing.Looking forward to our next one in Middelburg. Keep it up guys

  29. What a mind opener!!!!Thanks to John bowker an old karoo friend of mine for the call to come.Will be back to get even closer and to understand better God bless all

  30. 6 addicts and alcholics from Jobs place Cathart were truly blessed and challenged and now have a plan. thanks to all involved

  31. I was not well when I went ,very short of breath and could not even walk for any dıstance wıthout havıng to foght for breath .On sunday when Angus asked those who needed healıng to stand I was one of the fırst to do so ,and can say that I have been healed and have not felt so good for a long tıme .I was really blessed and wıll be back next year .God ıs good

  32. we will be there even if it means IF i have to crawl. GLORY TO GOD FOR OUR EXPERIENCE AT MMC KAROO

  33. Siebren Schaaf

    Baie dankie, ons het weer ‘n boodskap van hoop om uit te dra vr ons land en ons mense as Christen mans wat sout moet wees. Volgende jaar is ons meer

  34. Lionel Williams

    This was my first MMC and i will definitely be attending the next one and will spread the word to others. God is Good all the time and the weekend was most inspiring. To have my brothers with me, my brother in law and his son was awsome. Glory to GOD.

  35. Barend Bothma

    Dankie Christo Kok dat jy my saamgenooi het. Baie dankie vir die manne saam met wie ek daar was – dit was werklik ‘n geesvervulde naweek wat ek nie sal wil verget nie. Indien dit die Here se Wil is, sal ek graag weer volgende jaar daar wil wees met ‘n paar vriende. Ek sal graag met die Here se genade, wil probeer hou by die 10-puntplan. Dit was wonderlik.

  36. Ek het hierdie jaar gednk ek gaan KMMC toe om te dien. Gedink ek sal vol gaan en leeg terugkom. Wow! ek kan net bevestig dat geen mens God ooit kan uitdien nie. Hy top jou op tot jy oorloop en jy kan nooit opgebruik wat Hy in jou stort nie. Wat ‘n awesome naweek. Ek was een van die vertalers en dit het my geforseer om te fokus op elke woord gebring is. God het
    Sy Woord so oopgebreek en elke dag kry ek nogsteeds nuwe wysheid en beter insig. Ons is bederf met Godsmanne soos Johnny, Jacques, Oom Dawie en Afrika. Elkeen ‘n man met ‘n plan. Oom Angus… die batton is in goeie hande. Prys die Here! AMEN!!

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