Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. (Amos 3:7)
Of the sons of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do. (1 Chronicles 12:32)
Aware of our country’s spiritual, political, economic, and social challenges; speaking to neighbours, work colleagues and friends; and informed by the news media, one can’t help but be mindful that now is a significant time, both for the country and for the body of Christ in South Africa.
This awareness has been reinforced by the President’s controversial late-night cabinet reshuffle last Thursday, S&P Global’s resulting decision to downgrade South Africa’s credit rating to junk status, and the widespread reaction to these events.
The perception of a country in crisis reinforces the belief that we, as children of God, are called to be light in the darkness of uncertainty, to stand assured as ambassadors for Christ giving guidance and leadership to family members, neighbours, and fellow citizens, wherever we are led to by the Holy Spirit.
In turbulent times, it is important that we are not fearful, but stand confident in Christ, able to discern the times and seasons, empowered by the Holy Spirit and by spending time in our Father’s presence, for He will guide His children, show us His ways, direct us in His paths, and teach us His truth.
KMMC takes place in noteworthy moment
It is in this context that Karoo Mighty Men Conference takes place in what is a noteworthy moment, immediately after the “Its Time” prayer gathering in Bloemfontein and part of the #50Days2BlesstheNation prayer initiative.
Indeed, understanding the need to be a proactive and positive example of how to overcome the challenges of this life, at this time, through prayer and in the power of God, makes a weekend of: worshipping Him in the stillness of the Karoo; soaking-up input from enlightening speakers; and discussing issues with brothers in Christ during relaxed fellowship, all the more rewarding, for having attended KMMC we are sure to be in a better position to discern God’s will for us in these times.

Jannie Moolman, KMMC coordinator, says the more he thinks about it, the more he realises how providential the conference’s timing is.
“Although KMMC’s was planned and its date set a long time ago, the fact the conference takes place a week after the ‘It’s Time’ national prayer day in Bloemfontein will make for a celebration of what I believe will be a life-changing event in our nation’s history.
“I am very excited about our timing … I know the Lord has a plan with the whole month of April and I’m very excited about it.”
Opportunity to expand on “It’s Time” message
KMMC offers the opportunity of listening to Angus Buchan speak for the first time after the “It’s Time” meeting, and likewise it offers the farmer-evangelist the opportunity of extending and expanding on his message from the week before.
“Oom Angus has spent a lot of time in his closet praying about the ‘It’s Time’ gathering on April 22. I have spoken to him a few times in the last couple of weeks and he has confirmed that KMMC is going to be crucial; he is very excited about going from the ‘It’s Time’ gathering on one weekend to the KMMC on the next weekend,” says Jannie.
“Likewise, I got a message this morning from a group of cyclists who are cycling from Cape Town to Bloemfontein for the ‘It’s Time’ prayer gathering. They told me that they would cycle on from Bloemfontein to KMMC, which confirms how the one meeting will follow-on in time and in spirit from the other.
“It is going to be very special,” he adds.
Plans for revival, realignment and renewal
Jannie says he trusts that although there is turmoil in the country, the Lord has plans for revival, realignment and renewal in South Africa.
Dave Turner, KMMC prayer and intercession coordinator agrees: “The ‘Bless the Nation 50 Days of Prayer’ initiative comes against the negativity and pessimism that has been spoken over the nation”.
“KMMC will be part of the nationwide undertaking of people speaking and praying a blessing over South Africa from April 16, Resurrection Sunday, to Pentecost, which is on Sunday June 4.”
Turner explains that the “Bless the Nation 50 Days of Prayer” initiative developed out of a conference held in November last year, which all the major prayer networks in the country attended.
“The conference recognised that each prayer network has a calling from God in a specific area of operations, but that it would be good if all prayer networks combined forces once or twice a year for a national prayer project.”
Opportunity for Christians to make positive change
Turner points out that although the country is going through challenging times, this opens up the opportunity for Christians to make a significant contribution to positive change and the resolution of the country’s challenges.
He says KMMC 2017 was invited to participate in the “Bless the Nation 50 Days of Prayer” programme due to many of the leaders of South Africa’s prayer networks having participated in KMMC 2016’s 40 Days of Prayer.
“This year KMMC is not holding a 40 Days of Prayer, but rather combining with the ‘Bless the Nation 50 Days of Prayer’ initiative that straddles KMMC 2017, which is good as it gives those attending KMMC the opportunity to continue with a Kingdom initiative for another five weeks after leaving the conference.”
Turner says there is a heightened urgency in the need for positive prayer for the country, which is both challenging and exciting as the opportunity exists to cooperate with the Lord in prayer to change the balance, shape and spiritual climate of our nation.
KMMC 2017 will take place from April 28 to 30 on the outskirts of Middelburg in the Eastern Cape on Renosterfontein Farm. For more information contact Ruthi van der Merwe at (M) 082 857 7839 (F) 049 842 3310 e-mail: website: