A Despatch family, accompanied by a group of friends, have returned from an outreach trip to Lesotho where they fulfilled a commitment to hand out 500 Bibles to Christians in remote mountain villages.
“It was a Christ-filled experience,” said Eben Grobler whose family developed a passion for the cause after they gave away 50 Bibles during a holiday trip to Lesotho in 2013. Hardly back from the trip, the group and their supporters are already enthusiastically preparing for their next mission in which they aim to deliver 5 000 Bibles.
He says it was extraordinary how during the recent Lesotho trip they encountered people who had been praying for Bibles for their society or their schools. “And when we arrived we were greeted by the attitude of ‘We were expecting you’, ” he said.
“On our way to [the village of] St James we passed a little church but it seems that there were no people. In my heart I felt the need to stop at this church on our way back again and look if the church is up and running. When we arrived at St James I could hear God’s voice speaking straight to me: ‘Set aside some of the Bibles’. On our return the little church doors opened right in front of us and we handed out nine Sesotho Bibles to the society.”
Describing the responses to the Bibles, Grobler said: “We appreciated the fact that our gifts were received with such great enthusiasm. There were tears of happiness among the societies. Wherever we went, from tiny villages to bigger ones the cry was the same: ‘We need Bibles.’
“We became quite attached to the people in Lesotho. But when you visit here you would see how very limited their resources are. They are in need of EVERYTHING. We know these Bibles will be put to good use.”
He said another highlight of the trip took place at the school at Sani Top which is being run by “Pastor Siphiwe’s lovely wife Bernadette”.
“My wife Benita, her friend Liandre, Chantelle(16) , Ivan(13) and Jadre (9) took up the challenge to do a makeover of the classroom. What a complete blessing it was!! They stocked the classroom with containers of stationery, educational toys and posters, white board, recycled paper, Bible and story books, toothbrushes and toothpaste, beanies and scarves, bed socks, plates and cups and face clothes which were possible through the support of our followers. Thank you once again followers; don’t ever think that a few people cannot change the world!”
Enormous desire for Bibles
The more we speak to people about Bible needs the more we realised the enormous desire there is for Bibles. There will be no difficulty finding homes for the 5 000 Bibles they plan to take on their next trip.
“God will show us the way, where the needs occur and we will travel where He will take us. We pray for your continuing support and for more people to commit to praying for and giving to. The more of us getting involved in spreading the Gospel through prayer, short-term or long-term contribution the more we will impact the nations for Christ. Your contribution can make it possible to bring the Word of God to somebody in need for.”
Anybody wanting to contribute to the Lesotho Bible mission can contact Eben Grobler at egroblerphotography@gmail.com or Benita Grobler at groblerbenita@gmail.com.
Dis ongelooflik! Weet dit sal goed gaan met jul toekomstige uitreike na Lesotho.
Ek weet julle sal geseen word met oorvloed skenkings, want dit is ‘n wonderlike projek met uitsonderlike mense wat dit deurvoer. Ons bid vir julle.
Well done guys – we’re planning a trip to Lesotho in November ’14. Good to find out what they need – God is speaking to us. Blessings.