LISTEN: God calling worshipers to lead battle with new song — Naomi Sheneberger

There is a battle over South Africa and Africa now for a spiritual takeover which is going to bring a new governance in the natural, says prophetess Naomi Sheneberger is a word released in Zambia on Tuesday April 28.

She says God is calling for an army of praise and worship soldiers who are ready to release a new sound to lead the battle because He says: “Praise is my weapon of warfare for this hour and the most effective way to bring unity at this time.

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One Comment

  1. In October 1999, I received Isaiah 42 – The Lord’s Servant
    I have read it time and time again but one day I felt there was something I had still not seen. A Song of Praise is found in verses 10 – 12. SING a new song to the Lord; SING his PRAISE, all the world! PRAISE Him you that sail the sea; PRAISE Him all creatures of the sea!
    SING, distant lands and all who live there! Let the desert and it’s towns PRAISE God; let the people of Kedar PRAISE Him! Let those who live in the city of Sela SHOUT for joy from the tops of the mountains! Let those who live in distant lands give PRAISE and glory to the Lord!
    Verse 13 tells us what happens:
    The Lord goes out to fight like a warrior; He is ready and eager for battle.
    He gives a war cry, a battle shout;
    He shows his power against his enemies.
    Read verses 14 – 17
    Verses 18 – 25.
    We must be sure we do all that God requires of us as His people.

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