LISTEN: SA, it’s time to play according to God’s new game plan — Naomi Sheneberger

Naomi Scheneberger

God says to His people in South Africa that there is “a change of the game” and that we should “play His game”, says prophetess Naomi Sheneberger of Zambia in a word she released today after praying “with a heavy heart” for SA.

Reiterating and expanding on a word she gave on April 20 last year, she says the game plan for the battle of the Lord that is ahead and which has already started is to be found in the “secret place of the Almighty”,

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The plans of the wicked are being exposed and will be cancelled and the captives will be set free so that God’s Kingdom can be established in the nations.

God says: “The enemy of My people will be destroyed from the secret chambers of My Presence,” she says.

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It is a time of fiery purification for God’s remnant, the Ecclesia, who are to be united to become a mighty river that will flow from South Africa, across Africa to Israel. And wherever this river flows there will be healing and restoration and revival will burst forth, she says.

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Listen to the full word (16 minutes) below:

One Comment

  1. God will revele the Rightious and the unrightious and remove and expose the agents of evil the moment Believers corporately repent and renounce the pagon gods behind these people that is controling us.

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