“Loaves and fishes” type miracle in Brakpan

Hungry people queuing for supper at a soup kitchen in Brenthurst, Brakpan.

You can’t feed 85 hungry people with 25 litres of soup. But Jesus can, a Brakpan soup kitchen team found out when they prayed and then served their inadequate supper to 85 people and everybody enjoyed three servings.

Sonja Gerber.

Recounting the modern-day “loaves and fishes” type miracle, Sonja Gerber, who regularly serves in the soup kitchen she and her husband, Danie, started five years ago, says: “We serve an awesome God who is still the same. Halleluja!”

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Sonja provides more details: “The evening of the 31st of March I had to work so I couldn’t make it and my husband Danie and Wilma and Shelvie were there. Shelvie’s wife forgot to put the stove on so only Wilma had her soup of 25 litres in her cooler box. After they gave word and prayed (because God demands us to pray for our food) Danie and Wilma looked at each other and started dishing the food. Wilma said as she was putting the scoop into the cooler box and as she brought it up the cooler box stayed full. They were rejoicing after they handed the soup knowing that only God could do this.”

Danie Gerber and Wilma, who rejoiced when Jesus multiplied the soup they served to hungry people at a soup kitchen in Brakpan.

She says with the Lord’s intervention the soup stretched enough to provide everybody with three helpings.

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She says the feeding ministry was birthed after Danie got word from the Lord to start a soup kitchen.

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“He walked around with this idea for a year saying but he doesn’t know how to do it. We sometimes want to get away from our calling. The Lord sent a gentleman named Lucas his way and we were directed to the Wandelaan in Brakpan were they gave out soup and we met two wonderful people, Ellen and Theo, who at that time served soup on Tuesdays and Fridays. This was five years ago. Three weeks later we started our own soup kitchen in Brenthurst next to the Spar.”

Sonja says her dream is to have a home for a shelter where “we can get some of these guys off the street”. She says anybody who would like to support the soup kitchen ministry with money, blankets or donations of food is welcome to call Danie at 084 245 4072.

Soup kitchen vounteers.



  1. What a mighty God we serve. Too many Christians live treir lives without the faith that is commanded in the bible (this includes myself), this is a wonderful example of faith in action. If we as children of God ask for things that fall within His will then it will be given, we need to align ourselves with His will and if we do so, we will see the difference He will make through the working of His Holy Spirit in all aspects of lives and country and the world. Praise God.

  2. thank you for this beautiful, extraordinary story of faith. You stir us to step out and do exactly what the Lord is telling us to do! tahnk you for building up our faith. Bless you.

  3. This sounds unbelieveble,but I also know, Our LORD as a GOD of the unpossible,Halleluja!!

  4. Peter Newill

    Unbelievable to some but totally believable to me. Saw something similar to this when in Israel a couple of years ago. A pot of food which seemed to be replenished to feed more than was planned for!!

  5. Praise the Lord!! There are many such incidents that I could relate that have taken place in the Catholic Church as well. One in particular that I would like to relate happened to a priest who my mother new, who was celebrating Mass and noticed that there were too few ‘Hosts’ for the amount of people attending the Mass. When he mentioned it to the Mother superior of the Convent where he was, she just told him to administer the first Host ( Eucharist) to Sister Lucia ( who was one of the three shepherd children who saw the vision of Our Lady of Fatima) He did this and there were enough hosts for everyone at Mass that day. There have been many more such miracles. There are no boundaries with the Lord. When strong Faith is present, there is enough for all. God Bless. Terry

  6. anna majadibodu

    we thank God for miracle. God is always faithful in His word. He is doing miracle everyday when you believe in Him. keep the good work of God, you blessing are on the Way to you brethren

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