Man miraculously receives dream car by obeying God’s voice

Life’s surprises can come unexpected especially when God moves in surprising ways man cannot fathom. Learn from the faith story of a man who obeyed God’s voice one day. (PHOTO: Pexels: Negative Space via The Gospel Herald).

By Lovely Lao–Originally published in The Gospel Herald.

Miracles are common phenomenon within Christian circles, and testimonies of healing, deliverance, provisions and other unexplainable miracles are shared to encourage, empower and to bring back the glory that belongs to God.

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Freshwind Global Ministries of the Philippines is among the Christian circles that celebrate the supernatural works of God among the Filipino Christians headed by a pastor named Miguel Que. And one of the testimonies that awed the believers was the testimony of a pastor named Rogelio “Roger” Saplan which Pastor Que wrote in his website, “God told Pastor Roger to go a Toyota car dealer store.”

Upon communicating with Pastor Roger via Facebook, he recalled the day God spoke to him and told him that he would have a car in the month of July. And the instructions God gave him was that he should specifically wear old, worn out clothes and shoes, come by Toyota car dealer store around 1:00 P.M.

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Pastor Roger said that the following day, after receiving the instructions he heard from God, he went to Isuzu instead for some humanly reason. Wearing a shirt with a hole on the backside paired with worn out slippers, none of the sales people approached him so he went back home. The next day, he went to another car dealer store, Mitsubishi at the same time, wearing the same clothing. Again, not one person approached him.
Sometimes, following the specific instructions of God can be very difficult due to our human nature that may doubt the voice of God within us.

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Pastor Que wrote that Pastor Roger went back home “discouraged” and “asked the Lord why no one even bothered to talk with him. God reminded him saying, “I did [not] tell you to go to Mitsubishi or to Isuzu. I told you to go to Toyota.”

Finally, Pastor Roger went to Toyota car dealer store, wearing the same worn out shirt and slippers at 1:00 P.M. He said that upon getting inside the store, a sales lady immediately approached him. Moreover, Pastor Que added that the sales lady asked what Pastor Roger wanted and he replied “a car.” He was then offered to sit down for a while and have a sip of coffee.

While waiting, an acquaintance of Pastor Roger came inside the store and asked him what he was doing at Toyota. Pastor Roger explained and told his friend that God told him he would have a car.

It was then that Pastor Roger’s friend said that while praying to God, he was asked to go to Toyota and hand out half of the car’s down payment to someone. And that someone was Pastor Roger.

When people obey the voice of God, blessings do come by according to His will and purpose.

One Comment

  1. Praise The Lord, This is what it means, to be FAITHfull ,to the LORDS voice, like a child believing his father’s promise..

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