Many touched deeply at Lowveld Mighty Men

Some of the men at the recent Mighty Men Conference Lowveld near Mbombela (Nelspruit)

God moved mightily among the crowd of spiritually hungry men who attended the recent Mighty Men Conference Lowveld at a resort near Mbombela (Nelspruit), said Kobus Pretorius, chairman of the committee which organised the event.

One of only two Mighty Men committees to brave hosting live events since the first Coronavirus lockdown in March last year, they started planning this year’s event in February at a time that the country was facing the third and most severe wave of Covid-19.

“But we felt the Lord was telling us to prepare and not to look towards what was happening around us but to trust Him,” he said. And God proved faithful, he said, providing all that they needed and more.

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At first they did not know how many men to prepare for, They thought perhaps 50, and then perhaps 100. Later they thought maybe they would be able to have 250 men, which would be awesome.

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But the Lord obviously knew it would be level 1 and gatherings would be opened up for 2 000 people,” he said. And during the weekend of October 29 to 31 about 1 800 men were at the Blue Moon venue and about 2 000 people attended the Sunday family service on the 21st.

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Mindful of the economic impact of the pandemic on businesses and individuals the committee believed it was going to be tough to raise funds to cover the event costs. Then God told them to offer the conference and camping for free as an act of faith. They obeyed and by the first day of the conference all of their costs were covered.

“God provided everything we needed to present a top-quality conference with online streaming in a fantastic venue. In fact, we have surplus funds in our account that we will use for next year,” said Kobus.

He said men were deeply touched during the weekend, with hundreds returning to God, 12 men making first-time commitments to Jesus, 23 men baptised and others healed, restored and delivered of unforgiveness and addictions.

Baptisms in a dam at the Mighty Men Conference Lowveld

The ministry sessions led by anointed speakers and worship leaders were powerful and God continued to work powerfully among the men during their times of fellowship in the campsite in between sessions, he said.

Men whose hearts were softened by the Holy Spirit and the Word they had received opened up to each other and prayed for each other in the campsite and there was a tangible atmosphere of love and unity, he said.

Mighty Men founder Angus Buchan preached to the Sunday family service gathering through a digital message shown on a big screen at the venue.

Kobus said that over 5 000 people have viewed the conference online to date and they were praying that the event would continue to bless people online long after the event.

The team is deeply humbled by God’s goodness and faithfulness and is committed to continue hosting the Mighty Men event annually until the Lord tells them to stop, he said.

“We trust Him for things so far beyond our ability to organise that when people see them they will say: ‘That’s God!’ And I am happy to say that is what people were saying after the conference,” he said.

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