Mel Tari speaking on revival at national prayer conference in Secunda

Mel Tari.

Indonesian evangelist and missionary Mel Tari who was an eyewitness to some of the greatest miracles of the 20th century will be speaking on the theme of revival at the Intercessors for South Africa (Ifsa) national prayer conference in Secunda, Mpumalanga in September.

The annual conference brings various prayer networks in SA together in one place to pray and hear from the Lord concerning the nation and to find His strategy as they pursue a transformed nation under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, says Daniël Brink of Jericho Walls International Prayer Network in an invitation to the event at Lighthouse Church, Secunda from September 5 to 7.

Mel Tari saw thousands turning to Christ, the dead raised, water turned into wine, healing from all kinds of diseases and children preaching the gospel in villages during the 1965 move of the Holy Spirit starting on the Island of Timor and spreading across Indonesia, says Brink.

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Accounts of these events are recorded in his book Like A Mighty Wind and serve as a testimony of the power of God to change nations even in our day!

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“We believe that faith and expectancy will be ignited in God’s people to see revival sweep across our land again, transforming hearts and turning South Africa back to God,” says Brink.

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The conference will start on the evening of Thursday, September 5.

Anybody wishing to attend should click here to register.

The registration fee is R350, with an early bird fee of R300 until July 31. Youth and students, aged from 16 to 25, may register for R150.

Soup will be served on the first evening and is part of the registration. Thereafter attendees will be responsible for their own meals. For more information email


  1. Elridge Muller

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    Please provide me with the details. I also would like to purchase the book “like a mighty wind” or his latest books.

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