Men stop girlfriends from having abortions after encounters at Cape Town pro-life vigil

Pro-life campaigners pray together at the start of each day at the 40 Days For Life vigil in Cape Town.
Pro-life campaigners pray together at the start of each day at the 40 Days For Life vigil in Cape Town.

A 40 Days For Life vigil outside abortion clinic, Marie Stopes, in Cape Town’s, Bree street, seems to be making a greater impact on men than on women, said pro-life campaigner Colette Thomas.

She said many women entering the clinic appeared to be “closed-off” to the presence of pro-lifers praying and displaying posters proclaiming that life should be respected as a gift from God. However, at least two men have turned their girlfriends away from going through with abortions after asking the pro-lifers many questions about the campaign.

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The vigil in Cape Town and another 40 Days for Life vigil outside the Paarl Hospital have just passed their half-way mark. They are being held simultaneously with several hundred vigils in other parts of the world. The 40 Days For Life campaign initially started in the United States where it has seen the closure of some abortion clinics.It has since gained international momentum, as well as support. Thomas said the initiative did not yet have the numbers in South Africa to make a major impact on abortion decisions here. However, she said that she and her fellow campaigners are confident that as many more people start to participate in and support 40 Days For Life vigils, the eyes of people who are hurting as a result of their decision to abort, will be opened to the value of life. Although one person acting alone cannot make much difference,Christians and non-Christians could create a larger witness by supporting groups against abortion.

Undeterred by bad weather
She said the vigil group outside Marie Stopes has caused quite a stir with clinic officials threatening to call the police after seeing that the efforts of the 40 Days for Life campaigners were serious. On Friday October 11, in spite of bad weather conditions, the group carried on with the vigil, remaining firm in their belief that they would change and save lives.

Thomas, who has been a pro-life campaigner for years, started out as a day mother for a pregnancy home. But she said her life changed after she visited a woman in the United Kingdom where she witnessed a 40 Days For Life campaign for the first time. After her experience she introduced the initiative to South Africa in February this year. She added that together with members of the group, Helpers of God’s Precious Infants, she also walks through the streets of Cape Town on the last Saturday of each month, trying to make a difference. The group has 30 to 40 members.

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On why she had chosen to pursue the 40 Days For Life vigil initiative, Thomas said that she previously campaigned about everything. But the 40 Days For Life campaign changed her; she now has more compassion for people going through the painful process of contemplating abortion. Although people visiting abortion clinics might be sinners she said she has chosen to stand in the gap for those considering abortion.

To join the Cape Town 40 Days For Life campaign which ends on November 3, people and support groups can register online at http:/, or can contact Colette Thomas at

More information on the 40 Days For Life campaignoutside Paarl Hospitalis available from Adri Holm at Interested parties can sign up on the website http:/

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