Mighty Men Canada invites men everywhere to join them at weekend

Jeff Zak, organiser of the Mighty Men Canada, and Angus Buchan, at last year’s inaugural event.

What began as an outreach to the men of Canada has grown into a worldwide simulcast — and “our greatest hope is for a spirit of awakening”, said  Candian evangelist Jef Zak who is organising an online Mighty Men Canada event with South African farmer evangelist Angus Buchan and Northern Ireland worship artist and songwriter Robin Mark on Saturday evening (Sunday morning in South Africa).

Zak, who organised Canada’s first Mighty Men event with Angus Buchan in the western province of British Columbia last year, said their plans for another outdoors MMC this year were cancelled due to the global Covid-19 pandemic but Buchan readily agreed to participate in an online event instead and that led to a decision to invite men all over the globe to join in.

“The men who came [to MMC Canda] last year are excited — they are the ones who experienced God in a special way last year and we are in touch with all of them,” he said.

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He said the virus situation was making it more difficult for him and his team to visit churches to promote the event as he did with great effect last year but they were also learning to make better use of social media and online communication technology.

“We have some help from unexpected places: a pastor called me last night from Calgary and said his whole church is joining in on Saturday night — and different ministries are taking hold of this.”

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Zak says the outreach is based on Hebrews 12:1 -2 which talks of fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith — “which is the only way we are going to make it and He is our only solution, especially with all the calamity that is going on right now”.

“We are praying for salvation and I believe God is going to follow with signs and wonders,” he said.

Referring to the words in Revelation 22:2 about the leaves of the tree being for the healing of the nations, he said; “The maple leaf on Canada’s flag is there for a reason — that our destiny is to be a healing nation, to bring the Good News to the people of all nations.”

Buchan, who had his first cyber Mighty Men experience on May 23 when he hosted an MMC 2020 Global event, recalled that men had travelled hundreds of miles to attend last year’s event in Canada and said today that there has been great expectation ever since.

“I firmly believe in my heart that when a man comes to Christ his family comes to Christ. And I’m also very, very positive that we are going to have the greatest revival that the world has ever seen. Its already rumbling all over the world.

“Men, it is time to take your posts. It is time to stand up. It is time to protect your wife, your children. It is time to take your leadership role in commerce, in industry, in every facet of life. I am really looking forward to speaking to you on Saturday. May Jesus bless you richly,” he said to the men of Canada and in every corner of the world.

George Carpenter executive producer of Shalom Ministries, who will manage the streaming of the MMC Canada, said he believed that Buchan’s calling to sound a wake-up call to men has not changed over the years — “in fact, it almost feels stronger”.

He said while this weekend’s meeting was for men everywhere: “God has a specific word for the people of Canada and as we go in obedience into ‘all the world’ by whatever means we have available to us at the time, there will be fruit.

“There has been a lot of prayer for this meeting, and over the years for God to specifically move in that nation. It is a video on Youtube but we believe that to those who have ears, God is going to do something wonderful and lasting.”

The MMC Canada online event will start at 7pm Pacific Time on Saturday (4am on Sunday in SA). The livestream will be available on the Angus Buchan Facebook page LIVE, the Angus Buchan YouTube page and on the website: www.angusbuchan.co.za



  2. We believe God is going to move mightily throughout Canada, even the world!

  3. Suretha Van Heerden

    HALLELUJA yes LORD sent YOUR Holly Spirit to touch everyone with Your Loving Grace and forgiving Heart Thank you JESUS

  4. Aletta Riddles

    Now is time for Mighty Women event SA…..then Mighty Women events
    Through out the world

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