More than 1 000 at moving Feast of Tabernacles in Cape Town

feast1People from throughout the Western Cape came together last weekend for the annual David & Jonathan Foundation’s Feast of Tabernacles celebration in Bellville, Cape Town. 

Despite bitterly cold weather, sleet, hail and driving rain, both the Friday and the Saturday had excellent turnouts while Sunday morning the auditorium was about two thirds full, meaning over 1 000 people participated over the 3 days. 

24 musicians and singers were on stage and 10 dancers led the congregation to a jubilant Feast of worship; glorious singing, lights, colour and movement in observance and anticipation of the coming return of the Lord. 

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The Church annually observes two of the Lord’s Feasts — Passover and Pentecost, yet little note is made of His third, the Feast of Tabernacles, a reminder of the Lord’s deliverance of His people from Egypt. 

In response to a command of the Lord to remember their Hebrew ancestors living in tents in the wilderness, at this time in Jerusalem and all over the world, Jewish people build huts on their balconies or gardens and eat and sleep there to remind them of the goodness of the Lord. The ceiling of the auditorium of Logos Christian Church where the events were held was adorned with great swathes of cloth evoking the atmosphere of a tent. 

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All the nations will one day celebrate this feast, (Zec 14:16) which is prophesied to be the time of the Marriage Supper (Feast) with the Lamb, (Rev 19:7,8). It is a time rich in symbolism and prophetic word of the return of the Lord. 

Reports received indicate people experienced the awesome presence of the Holy Spirit in the worship. Many said they felt their hands and arms on fire and others were overcome with weeping. 

feast2On the Friday night, Jewish Believers were called forward and were embraced by scores of Gentile believers hugging and embracing them. One Jewish man said he was longing to be embraced by fellow believers, and another said when they were called forward, he ran to experience what the Lord had in store for him. 

The speakers unpacked the theme “King of Righteousness” and touched on the importance of faith, the restoration of the church and the Body and ensuring Believers have on the robe of Righteousness when Jesus, Yeshua, returns. 

Led by Annalee Carstens, the compilation of the music sets, finding the musicians, directing rehearsals, and creating a musical and spiritual unit took months of work and dedication, with Gerrida Dickson leading the worship. 

The David & Jonathan Foundation led by Jack Carstens, that presented the event, acts as a hub for South African Churches as a mission to bless congregations of Believers in Israel, many of whom are abandoned by their families.and persecuted by orthodox Jews who do not understand their faith. Individual churches are twinned with congregations in the Holy Land, forming partnerships to lead to a greater understanding of their needs, prayer, visits, financial donation, volunteer assistance and various other forms of support and engagement. 

Romans 15:26 “…Macedonia and Achaia were pleased to make a contribution for the poor among the Lord’s people in Jerusalem. They were pleased to do it, and indeed they owe it to them. For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews’ spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings.” 

Matt. 25:40 “In as much you have done it to one of the least of these my brothers; you have done it to me.” 

South Africans are warmly invited to encourage their pastor to make their church a partner in this Great Commission to the Jewish people through the David & Jonathan Foundation ( Bellville, Cape Town, PO Box 15005, Panorama 7506, Tel: 021 559 2958/9, Fax: 021 558 9388, Fax2e:0866483477, E-mail:


One Comment

  1. I just love it.

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