Motshekga statement arrogant, insulting to parents — Meshoe

ACDP members, led by the Reverend Kenneth Meshoe, march to the Department of Basic Education offices in Pretoria on October 19 to oppose the government’s plan to introduce Comprehensive Sexuality Education in schools. (PHOTO: Jacques Naude/African News Agency via iol news)

Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga’s statement that parents can conditionally opt out of the new Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE)  curriculum is “laced with arrogance and is deceitful, disrespectful and insulting to parents”, says ACDP leader Rev Kenneth Meshoe.

“For the Minister to say that parents have a choice to opt out of the sexuality curriculum by not permitting their children to attend the programmes provided they could produce an alternative curriculum that met the required competences in the curriculum assessment policy statement smacks of arrogance in the extreme. Where would concerned parents find such a curriculum, particularly those in townships?” he says in a media statement released today.

“The ACDP totally rejects the department’s obsession with sexuality education while they do not show the same passion for teaching our children literacy, mathematics, and science. Unlike traditional sex education that was taught in life orientation classes, that the ACDP did not have a problem with because of its age-appropriateness, the department’s comprehensive sexuality education (CSE), which we believe is a watered-down version of UNESCO’s extensive curriculum, is an assault on the sexual health and innocence of children.

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“UNESCO’s CSE promotes promiscuity and high-risk behaviour to children as healthy and normal. Why should young children be taught how to obtain sexual pleasure in various ways if government is truly concerned about the spread of AIDS and teenage pregnancies?” says the ACDP.

The statement continues: “By introducing UNESCO-developed CSE, it seems apparent that one of the main objectives of the department with CSE is to change the sexual and gender norms of society – especially one like South Africa, that has strong traditional and religious beliefs. The curriculum seems intent on promoting a liberal agenda in our schools, which includes sexual experimentation and gender fluidity. CSE that is developed and promoted by UNESCO does not promote abstinence but rather, it encourages dangerous and reckless sexual activities, habits and promiscuity.

“The ACDP demands that all stakeholders, including concerned parents, religious groups and non-governmental organisations, particularly Christian groups and churches, and the members of the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education are properly consulted on the UNESCO-developed CSE content.

“The ACDP believes that the department and the minister are misleading the public when they claim that they have consulted religious organisations. On Tuesday last week, ACDP MPs, led by their president, met with representatives from the South African National Aids Council, the Church Leaders Council of South Africa and Mr Takuwani Rume, of Men Championing Change. They complained that they were not consulted, but rather informed about the department’s plans. We also met the National General Secretary of School Governing Bodies who also stated that there was no consultation with parents or school governing bodies who also reject CSE that UNESCO is trying to impose on all nations through weak governments that do not seem to truly care for their children.

“The ACDP calls on the South African government to put the interests of South African children above those of foreign agencies who seem intent on destroying the future of our children. We also call for Comprehensive Sexuality Education developed by UNESCO to be scrapped, and for government to revert back to traditional sexuality education which was previously taught in the Life Orientation curriculum. We must start applying African solutions to African problems.”

The DBE this week responded to the controversy around CSE by releasing the new scripted lesson plans it has been piloting in certain schools and which it plans to introduce in all public schools next year.

The department maintains that no new content has been added to the Life Orientation subject in schools and that CSE has been part of the curriculum since  2000.

“The only change is that in 2015 the DBE developed Scripted Lesson Plans (SLPs) which are currently being tested in five (5) provinces in order to strengthen the teaching of CSE in schools. SLPs are learner and teacher support materials (LTSMs) that are designed to aid teachers and learners to address these important topics in a systematic manner.”

Christian critics of the content in the lesson plans that are being introduced without consultation with teacher groups and parents, however maintain that it will normalise lesbianism, sodomy and sex outside marriage.

The full list of lesson plans and educator guides are outlined below:


One Comment

  1. “No sex before Marriage” is the most important ethical rule in the battle against teenage pregnancy, and the spread of HIV/AIDS. African Traditional Courts used to fine the father of a boy who impregnated a girl. Islamic and Christian ethics agree. Stigma was an effective deterrent. Why impose decadent western morals on Africa? Let’s support ACDP, FoRSA and every other formation that opposes the new sex education regime. Let’s uphold “No Sex before Marriage” principles. For the sake of our children, and the nation. God’s way is always best!

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