Muslim mom brought home Bible from library by mistake, daughter found joy

Originally published in God Reports

Chaima wanted to join ISIS and kill Christians.

“I loved to see people dying, I loved to see them bleeding,” Chaima says on a Peter Ahlman video on YouTube. “I was seeing videos of decapitation on the Internet and I loved it. I was just blind.”

Her mother was an immigrant from Africa to Sweden and both parents were devout Muslims. Chaima saw life as cruel and wondered, “What am I doing in this world?”

“I tried to kill myself three times. I was doing drugs. I just wanted to destroy myself.”

As a teenager, she contemplated running away to Syria to join the ISIS terrorist group. She had friends who encouraged her and she even arranged to marry a man in Ankara.

Chaima, from childhood, grew up unhappy

“I hated people who were not Muslim. I wanted to kill them. I was bound to dangerous things,” she says. “I didn’t feel loved by anyone. I was weak; she showed me love. I fell in the trap.”

She had a passion for reading, so her mom, concerned for her bouts with depression, brought her library books. One of the books, by accident, was the Bible. Chaima decided to read it and try to prove to Christians that they were wrong.

“I started to read the Bible to prove to Christian that they were wrong,” she says. “But I was wrong. The grace of Jesus Christ started to touch me. I started to read things like, ‘Pray for your enemies’ and ‘love them.’”

This cast in stark contrast her own murderous religious ideas.

Everything inside her mind told her to reject the Gospel. “But in my heart Jesus started to do a work.”

She finally let down her defences against the pure Word of God and the Holy Spirit. She accepted Jesus into her heart and became born-again.

Soon, she felt the need to inform her Muslim family of the change in her heart.

“That’s when the persecution started,” she says. “They stopped talking to me. During months, I was alone in my room. It was like a prison. Because I had a past of being alone and thinking about suicide and feeling depression, it wasn’t good for me.”

But this time she only fell into depression once.

“I started to read the Bible a lot. Jesus was there with me. He was encouraging me,” she says. “The Holy Spirit was really there. I felt it and knew it.”

Eventually her family disowned her and kicked her out. But she was willing to leave her biological family for Jesus.

“I have a new family and it’s all around the world. This is the best gift God gave me,” she says. “I want to encourage you people Muslims or not, to seek God with all of your heart because God knows where you are. He knows your struggle.

“Even if you hate Him, He loves you.”

Things have turned upside down for Chaima. What she thought was right proved wrong; what she thought was wrong turned out right. She used to wallow in hate and loathing; now she overflows with love, joy and light.

“I can see the grace of Jesus Christ all along. He saved me from suicide, from depression, from all of it.”

At her baptism, a demon manifested. The brothers had to pray to exorcise the demon. A video of her baptism shows her voluntarily entering the waters of baptism and being baptized. But after submerging, she fights and struggles against her baptizers, while a man casts the demon out.

Chaima, at left, at her baptism.

“After the baptism I felt like a heavy weight completely disappeared. I was so excited to go and make disciples. All my convictions in Christ started to come alive in me.”

Now instead of hatred, she bore love towards everyone around her. She evangelizes with people at her church in Sweden displaying contagious joy.

“I started to want to talk about Jesus to everyone, even the people who led me to terrorism,” she says. “I wanted to see them and tell them they are wrong and that love is waiting for them.”

“We are created in the image of God and I really want Muslims to come to the truth and really know Jesus. He loves them, no matter what they did, no matter what they say. Muslims need Jesus.”

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She evangelises with great joy and earnestness

When the video was created, Chaima’s family remained unsaved and she longs for the day they will receive Jesus.

“Sometimes I think about my family. Of course it’s hard. Of course it hurts because I was so used to being with them. But I am not an orphan. My family in Christ adopted me. That came from Christ.

“In my family, my dad never told me he loved me, and I never told him I loved him. In Psalm 18:1, when my Heavenly Father told me He loved me, the first time I saw this, really, I cried. It’s just amazing.”


  1. Praise the Lord, Jesus actually came to set the captives free.

  2. Chaima, Jesus is real as he was thousands years ago. I pray God will uphold you more, by the grace that comes through his words. And open the eyes of your family to know the true.

  3. This is lovely.. the grace through Christ Jesus is reigning, to God be the glory.

  4. Jesus Christ be praised!

  5. my prayer for you chaima is that you keep burning for your journey to heaven is settled.Go go and preach Jesus is proving Himself everyday.

  6. hallelujah for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth

  7. Christ in me the hope all glory… Thank you jesus

  8. thank God for,may the Grace of God be with you

  9. And he shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free

  10. Jesus is Lord all the time. Our good God will keep you safe and you will become God’s true ambassador

  11. Glory to Him who alone understands. I pray your family comes to light as well. Remain blessed

  12. May God open the eyes of understanding of many dat are yet to come to the truth knowledge of God

  13. Praise Jesus.

  14. to God be the glory. I am grateful to God for bringing you into His glorious light. Remember Matthew 28:20..”I am with you alway even to the end of the world.

  15. Praise the Lord. The grace of Jesus knows no limits. All can be saved thru Him

  16. may God be praise, for given us life through Jesus Christ.

  17. Glory Glory… For Christ reigneth forever

  18. thank God for the light of the world jusus the son of God.he love everybody no matter your sins.that is the difference between the two

  19. Akintoye S A( Nigeria)

    welcome into the light,his word says “we shall know the truth and it shall set us free,may God strengthen you to be able to win your families too because Christ loves everyone and the scripture says he came for the lost sheep may God almighty bu with yo

  20. chaima if you never knew that the Quran preaches “love for others and peace more than any other religion”then I don’t think you were ever really a Muslim.ISIS is just a bunch of mentally unbalanced people who see things upside down.

  21. I mean ISIS even kills muslims

    • This is real my friend, it is different from what you think obtains in Islam. Receive Christ, the joy is beyond comprehension. God bless you

  22. Evang Emma Alaebo

    God, who picked you miraculously isn’t done with you yet. He’s also coming for the rest of the family and former friends. Only Be Strong in the Lord Jesus Christ and His Grace. Love all more deeply. Read your Bible and fellowship with the saints more and more zealously.

  23. Jesus Love is the real deal and it conquers evil, keep on preaching the word of God so that many souls should be saved.

  24. We praise Almighty for that transformation of that life was about to be waisted

  25. Praise the name of the living God. and may His name be exalted high.

  26. Chaima, I pray to the Almighty God to continue to make you embassador for Chris Jesus. So that your family will realize that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one cometh to the Father, but through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

  27. Thank you Lord Jesus for touching and opening Chaima’s eyes. I pray that her family may also see the light too
    Our God is love

  28. Praise the Lord!!! He is still on working

  29. l don’t think you were really a Muslim. And if you were Muslim, you don’t know nothing about Islam my dear. You have to Study Islam very carefully.

  30. blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God, be pure in heart love all your enemies n pray for them bdo an extraordinary thing n receive extraordinary blessings

  31. Indeed Jesus be praised, and may good lord open the eyes of those who are against chhristianity.

  32. so encouraging, may the Glory of the lord continue shining in your life,Chaima you are blessed.

  33. Glory to Jesus’s Christ

  34. My dear sister Chaima, your life testimony & encounter with Jesus is a great message that will continue to draw souls to the Lord. Be encouraged that the Lord who saved you will save your household. The Lord’s name be praised.

  35. This is the great work of God,Hallelujah be strong courageous there are storms in this journey d Lord will help u IJN

  36. Wonderful Savior, Marvelous God
    Thank you .
    What a God we serve.

  37. I rejoice with you chaima that you gave your life to JESUS. I pray all your family members shall be saved.Pls be consistent in fellowship with other believers,pray, read your bible/evangelize daily. JESUS has saved you to save others. you are on my prayer list & You are blessed.

  38. Untrue story in addition she new nothing from Qoran

  39. praise God chaima: he is god of love and a wonderful caring omniportant . its great joy on earth and angles in heaven are celebrating like we Christians family . count my prayer chaima .

  40. God bless you my sister and encourage you to continue

  41. May the name of our God who knows no boundaries be praised.

  42. To GOD the Most High be the Glory

  43. I was also a Muslim my life was miserable when I turned to Christianity my life opened now Iam a member of Ecg church

  44. Chinapi. Daniel

    Is nt ur responsibility to shed d blood,is already done by Christ go nd make d discipleship to d world nd believe dat ure untouchable.

  45. uuuuh God is good and He said not even one of His children will be lost He will draw the back to Him coz we are His..

  46. Chaima, the water that you just drank have become in you a spring of water welling up to eternal life. God bless you.

  47. now that you have been saved by grace pray that God should reveal to you how to be built by the truth of Jesus (jhn 1 vs 17) because born again is a foundation of the word of God in you that needs to be built upon.God bless you and welcome to the family of God

  48. Praise God Chaima, you are an encouragement to the unsaved youngsters, may you fan the gospel until when they look at you they see Jesus in you

  49. It is always through a marvelous, love-filled ways that Muslims are converted

  50. chaima am shedding tears of joy reading your testimony to the glory of God.ride ride on sister