Muslim mom in Uganda becomes born-again after visions of Jesus

PHOTO: (Courtesy photo/ illustrative).

Originally published in Uganda Christian News

A Muslim mother in Obutete village, Agule County in Pallisa District, Uganda, has renounced Islam, after visions of Jesus in a life-changing dream. 

Mansitula Buliro, 45, was on January 13 preparing for Isha prayers with her husband when she had a vision of Jesus, she said.

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“During the process, a certain weakness entered my body, and then I saw a light coming from above, and I heard a loud voice saying, ‘Yeshua’ [Aramaic for Jesus] repeatedly,” she recalls.

Not long after that, Mansitula saw another vision.

“At midnight I saw a bright light and a man dressed in white clothes crossing the river coming towards me, and He said: ‘Peace be upon you – today I have chosen you to be mine,’” she said.

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Speaking to media, Mansitula stated that the recurring visions prompted her to visit her Christian neighbour, whose name is withheld for security reasons.

The neighbor prayed with her, and she put her faith in Christ.

This development is the latest of multiple accounts that Uganda Christian News has documented, where men and women who, without knowledge of the Gospel, or contact among Christians in their community, have experienced dreams and visions of Jesus Christ. 

Beaten and cast out
News of Mansitula’s conversion to Christianity soon reached her Muslim husband through a neighboUr who heard her pray, mentioning the name of Jesus.

He did not hesitate attacking her as much as she is expecting their eighth child.”I am punishing you to not speak about Yeshua in my house. This is a Muslim home.”

As she shouted and screamed, her two youngest children, aged 6 and 8, also began screaming, and outdoor workers and neighbours arrived and stopped the attack, she said.

“There was blood all over from my mouth,” Mansitula said. “My in-laws arrived, and in their presence my husband pronounced divorce: ‘Today you are no longer my wife. I have divorced you. Leave my house, or I will kill you.’”

A neighbour took her by motorcycle to a nearby hospital.

“I was examined, and they found that my foetus had been affected, and after four days I had a miscarriage,” Buliro said. “It is now very difficult to reunite with my family. I am now Christian, and I have decided for Issa’s cause.”

Weak and requiring more medical care, Buliro is staying with Christians at an undisclosed location, Morning Star News confirms.


  1. Don’t worry my sister,the one who called you will never abundon you..
    You will never lack anything because our God is the provider.Just trust and obey

  2. Chriss Emmyson Byamugisha

    God is going to use you preach the gospel… Obey the Lord God and our saviour Jesus Christ, you are going to be great in the Ministry.
    I give God the glory for you sister

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