National prayer day launched at historic ‘revival’ church

Apostle Mangaliso Matshobane delivering a keynote message at the launch of the upcoming Awakening South Africa National Day of Prayer and Repentance

The upcoming Awakening South Africa National Day of Prayer at Repentance was officially launched on Wednesday at a historic church in Sharpeville, Vaal, where a mighty revival broke out 70 years ago.

Wednesday’s launch followed a recent well-attended event to raise a prayer altar at the FNB Stadium, Johannesburg, the venue for the national prayer day on March 22.

While many people know the Vaal area as the home of the Sharpeville and Boipatong massacres, few know that it is a place that has a great spiritual heritage. It was here that a great revival broke out at a service of the Assemblies of God ,Sharpeville, on March 21, 1954, six years before the Sharpeville massacre.  

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Pentecostal elder statesman Dr P F Molefe, who was a tsotsi (criminal) from Marabastad, in his youth, got saved after spending some time in jail for his crimes. He then served under Rev A T Dube in an Assemblies of God church founded by Rev Nicholus Bengu until he obeyed a word from God to move to the Vaal to begin his ministry there.

The Assemblies of God church in Sharpeville was established through his ministry and after some years of prayer and preaching the Gospel in the area, revival broke out there. The Spirit of God came down and brought deep conviction, not only in the congregation, but in the community.

The sick were healed supernaturally, the blind could see and the lame walked just like in the days of the biblical apostles. There was also a hunger for righteousness and many criminals surrendered their weapons as they gave their lives to Jesus. Others who had been stealing brought back the goods they had stolen to the church as an act of repentance and commitment to righteous living. There was a decline in crime and hospitals were no longer burdened with the sick. Families and marriages were restored as the message of holiness and righteousness was preached.

Janet Brann-Hollis releasing a prophetic prayer at the launch

On Wednesday leaders came from different walks of life gathered at the historic church in Sharpeville, united by the hope and desire to see revival again. The resounding theme from all the speakers was that if God has done it before, He can do it again, all He needs is a man to stand in the gap.

The keynote speaker was Apostle Mangaliso Matshobane who grew up in the Vaal. His parents were saved and were part of the youth raised by Dr Molefe. Mangaliso grew up hearing his parents’ stories about the humble life of Ntate Molefe. His father served Molefe and lived with the Molefe family for many years. Matshobane is the author of a book titled The Grace of God, in the Life and Ministry of Dr PF Molefe.

While the current Assemblies of God congregation has built a new building, the prayer day launch was held in the old building which is still standing. The leaders prayed together and released Rachel Kalidass to champion the national prayer and repentance day which God had inspired her to call. The leaders agreed that God is not a respecter of man and will use anyone who avails themselves for the work of ministry. Rachel, a chartered accountant, was minding her business when the Lord called her to call the prayer day.

From the left, Janet Bram Hollis, Linda Gobodo, Rachel Kalidass, Apostle Mangaliso Matshobane Pastor Masane (Assemblies of God Sharpeville), Karabo Molefe and Hannes Labaschagne.

The work of mobilising the nation to prayer and repentance has now begun and believers are being urged to heed the call of the Lord to gather in repentance for the sins of our nation. God’s Word teaches that the Lord promises that He will respond by bringing times of refreshing and restoration to the land.

There is no doubt the challenges facing SA are beyond what the criminal justice system, the healthcare system or education system can solve. The Zondo Commission showed us that despite the extent of corruption that has been exposed, corruption remains rampant in the nation.  It is time for South Africa to return to the love and fear of the Lord.

How to join the prayer movement:  

  • Join a weekly prayer campaign by registering here:
  • Mobilise your community to attend the March 22 prayer day at FNB Stadium
  • Give financially to the project at the banking details below:
    Awakening South Africa National Day of Prayer and Repentance
    Investec Private Bank
    Branch Code: 580105
    Account Number: 10011536636

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  1. May our Almighty God send His Angels of war to start cleaning FNB Stadium. Sweeping away the demons as prophesyed by Kim Clement May 2008. Let us hold on to God’s heart and not only the horns. It was great at Sharpville on wednesday. Praise God.

  2. Mapula Mokubedi

    All thanks to Almighty, faithful n Gracious Father had remembered us Azania

  3. Farisai Nyaoda

    We thank Abba Father God Himself for this imminent revival, blessings 🙌🏾 HalleluYah HalleluYah HalleluYah HalleluYah HalleluYah ✝️ 🙌🏾 amen amen 👏🏽

  4. I am so happy and excited ,,,to read all ,,what a great testamonies ,,,what a wonderful revival for the nations in the world in Jesus name for God,s kingdom in Jesus name ,,,,i am happy to be partner of your ministry in Pakistan ,,,we love stay in prayers and fasting in Jesus name,,,i have been fasting for yhe last six months for his grace upon wicked nations ,,,praying against evil and his all attacks as a fakse teachings and false ministers ,,,we wana stand with you with yr vision and mission ,,,in Jesus name ,Amen

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