Nelson Mandela Bay Christians preparing for city thanksgiving, prayer day on Sunday

Park and Praise visionary Pastor Sibusiso Khoza and Pete Gooch of Burn 247 NMB and one of the coordinators of a city prayer and thanksgiving event in Nelson Mandela Bay on Sunday

Each evening this week small groups of Nelson Mandela Bay Christians have been gathering on the Donkin Reserve to “prepare our hearts and raise the flag or banner of Jesus’s powerful name” over the city ahead of a united prayer and thanksgiving event on Sunday, said Pete Gooch, one of the local coordinators of the initiative.

Sunday’s gathering on the Donkin is being hosted by local pastors and is the ninth of a series of “Ebenezer Park and Praise” events around the country initiated by Pastor Sibusiso Khoza, the senior leader of the Grace Tabernacle family of churches to thank God for sparing SA during the Covid pandemic.

This week’s build-up events are scheduled from 5.45pm for 6pm and comprise about 30 minutes of worship and prayer. The city event on Sunday will start at 2pm.

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Prayer and worship on the Donkin Reserve, Gqeberha (PE), this week ahead of Sunday’s city thanksgiving, prayer meeting

Gooch said that after a meeting earlier this week, when a group of about 20 Christians prayed with the Nelson Mandela Bay mayor Eugene Johnson, at the council chambers, she committed herself to attending Sunday’s city prayer event. He said that at the end of the prayer time with the mayor she prayed powerfully regarding a number of pressing local matters.

Popular SA Gospel artist Dr Tumi will close the city event with worship.

Pastor Khoza, who has been facilitating thanksgiving prayer meetings around SA, said: “It’s exciting and greatly encouraging to see how leaders and the faith community are responding to the call to give thanks.

“The past two years have taught us that the breath of life should never be taken for granted. It’s a privilege to be alive! And our gratitude is not to the wind, it belongs to God Most High Who sustains all things by the power of His Word.

“We anticipate that people will come from their church services straight to the Donkin Reserve. It was so beautiful to see the South African flag flying high from there this morning. 14:00 the official program starts but by 13:00 songs of praise shall ascend to The Throne from the venue.

“One who graciously gives us all things abundantly to enjoy. We called upon Him in the day of our trouble…. We vowed to raise our voices in honour and praise to Him. That day has come. Now is the time to register our gratitude by gathering as a city to give glory to God for our preservation and continued sustenance during these unprecedented times.”

The programme for Sunday is:


DATE 20th Feb Time 2:00.

2:00-2:25 United Praise Team — Roar Worship

Opening and Welcome. Bishop Freemantle

Purpose of the day. Pastor J

Executive Mayor HNR. Mayor Johnson. Remarks


  1. Thanksgiving for the preservation of lives and disappointment of graves

Dr Dave Pedersen

  1. Thanksgiving for God’s faithful sustenance amidst great economic losses. Businesses and jobs lost.

Ap. Jerome Liberty

  1. Thanksgiving for the preservation of ministers of the Gospel who continued to serve their communities, doing funerals at great personal risk at the peak of infections.

Bishop Russel

  1. Thanksgiving for GOD’S support and strength that probed stronger than the virus and the paralysing forces of fear.

Ps Dayimane

  1. Thanksgiving for the continuous timely Words that sustain us. Fresh Words kept flowing reassuring those who gave ear to hear.

Ps Richard Crompton

  1. Thanksgiving GOD for all frontline workers especially those of the household of faith. Who continued to serve as a symbol of their commitment to Christ.

Ps George Giorgiou

  1. Thanksgiving for God’s reassuring defence and presence

Ps Mark Scholtz

  1. Thanksgiving that as we learnt to wait, even at lockdown, strength was renewed, Hope was kept alive.

Bishop Xalabile

  1. Thanksgiving for the unity of the Church to stand together at this time in praise to God for what He continues to do among us.

Ps Afrika Mhlophe

  1. Thanksgiving that the preaching of the Gospel [ our main mandate ] was not stopped by the shutdown of the gatherings. But rather, many found alternative platforms to proclaim the Gospel.

Bishop Ntanjana

  1. Thanksgiving for the saints who continued steadfastly in the faith, prayers and financial support of God’s work, challenges not withstanding

Pr K M Gwam

  1. Combined prayers for rain.
    Ps Eunice Liberty.
    Ap B Khatywa
    Ps Linda Khoza
    Ps H Jadezweni

Word on thanksgiving Ps Khoza

Worship Dr Tumi


  1. Glory to God!

  2. Praise God for His faithfulness towards us. Thank you to the Pastors and all those in leadership who are taking this initiative to honour our LORD and Saviour. To God be the glory Amen

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