New book offers SA Christian teachers tool to present evidence for creation

PHOTO: Image from cover of the book ‘Evolution, Creation and Science’

A British writer on the integration of science and Christianity believes his highly-acclaimed new book, Evolution, Creation and Science can help South African Christian teenagers to hold onto their faith in adulthood.

Together with Barnabas Digital which publishes educational resources for students and teachers he is distributing hard copies of the book for free to secondary schools in SA and complete digital versions of the book can be downloaded for free online.

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The writer, Dominic Statham, says that a secular worldview — particularly teaching evolution as fact and that science disproves the Bible — that is fed to teenagers and young adults in western countries by media, schools and universities, contributes to a growing trend of young adults in those nations leaving their Christian faith.

But he says:”There really is a great opportunity in South Africa to introduce teenagers to the evidence for a Creator as the SA school curriculum mandates that creation should be covered in both Religion Studies and Life Sciences.”

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Barnabas Digital says that SA Life Science and Religion Study Teachers in Grade 10-12 who wish to use Evolution, Creation and Science as supplementary resource material are welcome to request a printed copy (one per school) by sending an email to with their contact details, e.g. name of school, physical address, cell number and contact person. Or they can download digital copies of the book at

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Should schools wish to order more than one copy, they are welcome to order direct from Barnabas.Digital at or via their preferred bookseller. The normal selling price per book is R250.

Statham’s book, which is written in plain English, explores the origins debate and explains why people
have very different views on this subject. It also deals with the scientific arguments, presenting them
simply and with many helpful diagrammes.

The book is endorsed by OB Kok, Ph.D in Zoology and emeritus professor at the University of the Free State, who says: “An inspiring, well-documented exposition of the world-wide controversy between creation and evolution.  … All responsible scholars in biological science should familiarise themselves with this easily comprehensible essay. Highly recommended!”

Medical doctor and Christian thought leader Dr Elton M Black says: “Evolution, Creation and Science is an eminently timeous and profoundly relevant body of work. … Every serious Christian ought to have this profound resource on hand as a navigational aid.”

Dominic Statham

 Statham, who initially trained as an engineer and worked for the aero division of Rolls Royce and subsequently for the automotive division of GKN, has, since 2009, worked as a speaker and writer focusing mainly on the integration of science and the Christian faith.

He says: “Real science unquestionably supports a belief in God and creation and the more research I do, the more facts I uncover that demonstrate this. My passion is to make the arguments clear so as to make them accessible to the widest possible audience.

“It is a joy to see the lights go on in people’s faces as they come to see that there really is no conflict between science and the Bible–contrary to what is often claimed by some branches of the media.”

He says South Africa is the first country in Africa where his new book is being promoted to teachers and students. The publishers hope to reach other African countries later.


  1. I would love to obtain a copy of the book:
    Evolution, Creation and Science by Dominic Stratham.
    When will hard copies of this book be available in our Christian Book Stores ?

  2. Barnabas.Digital

    Hi Joan. You are welcome to order direct from Barnabas.Digital. Please send your order to Email:
    Thank you!

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