Naidoo to host new Christian current affairs TV programme on TBN Africa

Defending family, faith and freedom
[notice]In his weekly update Errol Naidoo announces an exciting new development in Christian media and appeals for help in taking the step of faith to launch it.[/notice]

I have been provided with an opportunity to inform and equip millions of Christian citizens in South Africa and the continent of Africa with the truth – to counter the deception of the liberal media.

TBN Africa – who are currently undergoing an exciting transformation – have offered me a one-hour prime-time slot on the channel to host a weekly current-affairs program from a Biblical perspectivemes on SA TV providing Christian viewers with relevant and topical information.

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Liberal secular humanists constitute about 15 percent of SA society. Yet they control almost 100 percent of the mainstream media. Most of what the secular media reports cannot be trusted.

It is time to redeem the media in SA! It is time to report the Good News of the Hope in Christ!

TBN Africa’s new vision is to provide Christian viewers with good wholesome family entertainment including movies, comedies, documentaries, wellness programs, youth and kiddies programmes and much more. The channel is positioning itself as a family values alternative to channels like M-net.

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TBN Africa is a welcome alternative to the anti-family, anti-Christian propaganda dished up daily on M-net, E-tv, Top-TV and the SABC. Christian media like TBN Africa, Christian radio stations, Christian  news agencies like Gateway News and magazines like Joy! etc… deserve much wider Christian support.

Many Christians are indoctrinated by the secular media and don’t have a Biblical Christian Worldview.
The weekly ‘Watchmen on the Wall’ program will go beyond the headlines to inform and equip Christian viewers with news, views and expert analysis on the many social issues – from a Biblical perspective. The show will also report regularly on the good work the Church does in society.

I am currently planning the format of the programme and will begin by renting studio space near Parliament. I am also raising the finances to purchase the basic equipment to launch the show.

Will you please partner with me today to make this God-given opportunity a reality? You can do this by committing to a monthly financial partnership of any amount. You can electronically transfer your contribution directly into Family Policy Institute’s banking account.

Alternatively, to help me purchase the equipment we need to launch the programme on TBN Africa – you can donate a once-off financial gift of your choice. I will start by hiring a production crew.

As a registered Public Benefit Organisation – annual donations to FPI are tax-deductible.

God has given FPI much success in the battle against unrighteousness in SA. The weekly ‘Watchmen on the Wall’ programme on TBN Africa is a significant platform to extend our pro-family influence across SA and Africa. We must counter the destructive deception of the liberal media.

This is an awesome opportunity to reach millions of Christians with the truth that transforms nations, defends the family and advance Biblical Christian values in Parliament and general society.

But I cannot do this vital work without your prayers and financial partnership. The TV programme is a major step of faith for Family Policy Institute. However, I believe the time to step out is now!

In the second half of 2012 and into 2013, the Body of Christ will face major challenges from anti-Christian activists. Several anti-family policies are scheduled to be tabled in Parliament soon.

The key to defeating the strategies of the enemy is to inform and equip Christian citizens with the vital information needed to actively defend the family and advance Biblical values in society.

Please pray and partner with me in this new and exciting venture – because the truth must be told!

One Comment

  1. David Spangenberg

    Writer saw the TBN Broadcast of Watchman on the Wall on 9 July 2013 and congratulate you on the important step in TV Broadcating. Excellent forum for drawing attention.

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