New season seen for SA’s judiciary

The Constitutional Court

God is taking South Africa’s judiciary into a new season starting with a time of purification within the institution, said attorney and prophetess Annelie Bevan during a virtual prayer meeting of intercessors and prophets on Wednesday night.

The virtual prayer meeting took place on a day of prayer and fasting for the judiciary.

Bevan said God is going to come and make war against those who are acting in unrighteousness and injustice.

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She said: “God is going to call up many new people within the judiciary. New judges. New magistrates. This is God’s heart for South Africa I’ll set honest judges and wise counselors among you just like it was back in the beginning.”

“I also see that there is a Timothy that walked with the Chief Justice in this past season. God is preparing Timothy to take over the reigns from the Chief Justice in 2021,” she said.

[Click here for full report on Annelie Bevan’s word]

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Pearl Kupe, a veteran lawyer and former principal state prosecutor in Botswana and former registrar of the Botswana Industrial Court, said that prophetically, God is manifesting Himself globally as El Mishpat, God of Justice in this season.

She shared on Isaiah 33:22 which says “For the Lord is Judge, the Lord is Lawgiver, The Lord is King. He will save us.

She said the Scripture declares God to be the source of all three arms of government — the judiciary, the legislature and the executive.

In encouraging the meeting to pray for justice to be dispensed with righteousness, she shared on a victory of justice on Tuesday when the Health Professions Council of South Africa withdrew charges against pro-life doctor Jacques de Vos who was persecuted for his pro-life views.

Calling for constitutional reform, she said that since judges are required to implement the law of their land, it was important that the highest law in the land — the Constitution — be aligned with the greatest constitution of all, which is the Word of God.

[Click here for more on Pearl Kupe’s contribution]

Dr Irma Simpson, a medical doctor and prophetic teacher said she saw God raising an apostolic/ prophetic company that is prepared to go to battle and conquer.

“We go in to the battlefield at times of war. There is a great war in the heavenlies at this time over nations and over the nation of SA. It is not a time to stand back but we have to occupy the high places for God.

“The judiciary system belongs to God and God’s divine order needs to be restored. God is tired of corruption. I see as God’s people go to battle wicked men are going to be removed and God is going to replace them with righteous men. I believe we are going to see some suddenlies in the days ahead as the war between light and darkness continues,” she said.

She said: “God gave me a dream and I saw a prayer movement starting in this nation that will escalate in the next four years. I saw repentance and intercession and people crying out to God. I saw hopelessness, discouragement and destitution over many people.

“I saw a wave of the Holy Spirit and I saw fires of revival break out . It started in Cape Town, I saw the wave washing over certain regions: George, PE, Upington, Johannesburg , Durban, all the way up into Zambia and Zimbabwe up into Africa.

“I saw wherever the wave went God’s presence brought a cleansing and a healing of the land. As God’s people we must stand and pray to see South Africa and the nations of the earth align with God’s purposes.”

[Click here for more on Irma Simpson’s contribution]

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