New TV channel will share Gospel in Hebrew in Israel


Local Messianic believers gather in Jerusalem to support the launch of Shelanu TV which will reach into Israel with the Gospel in Hebrew for the first time.

History will be made when a new Messianic / Gospel television channel starts broadcasting to Jewish and Arab viewers in Israel, in Hebrew in March.

Shelanu TV will launch on Israel’s largest cable television network, HOT Cable and will be available in some 600 000 Israeli homes with programming in Hebrew and English with Hebrew subtitles.

Shelanu means “Ours” in Hebrew and the new channel aims to help Israeli viewers understand that Jesus is not a foreigner or imposter. Rather, He is Yeshua, the Messiah, born in Bethlehem. This is a groundbreaking initiative as the Gospel will be broadcast all across Israel in the revived language of the ancient Jewish prophets.

Shelanu TV is a partnership between local Messianic ministries in Israel and GOD TV. Over 100 Israeli leaders gathered in Jerusalem recently to support the project including Asher Intrater, Avi Mizrachi and Ron Cantor.

The announcement of the new channel was made in an Israel Breaking News broadcast on GOD TV on January 2 and the global network will air updates on the Shelanu TV project throughout this month.

Shelanu TV has signed a seven-year contract with HOT Cable, the largest cable network in Israel reaching both Jews and Arabs. It will present new and original programming from local congregations on the ground in Israel as well as from international Messianic voices and will share powerful real-life testimonies of Israelis who have come to know Yeshua as Messiah.

The channel, which won’t carry fundraising, is being financed by Christians across the globe who want to empower Messianic congregations.

“We are inviting Christians worldwide to be part of this historic and unprecedented media opportunity,” said GOD TV CEO, Ward Simpson. “Never before has there been an opportunity to broadcast the Gospel on cable TV in the Hebrew language. We can now take the message of Yeshua to all of Israel 24/7, 365 days a year.”

Speaking on Israel Breaking News, Asher Intrater of Revive Israel Ministries described the unity of local congregations in their support of Shelanu TV.

“As Messianic believers in the Land, we want to see all Israel saved and media is one of the most powerful methods to achieve this. We’ve tried for years to make this happen, and now that a major media platform has opened to us, this is a special opportunity to reach our people.”

Avi Mizrachi prays for Shelanu TV at the launch dinner in Jerusalem along with other local Messianic leaders and GOD TV’s CEO, Ward Simpson and family.

Avi Mizrachi of Adonai Roi Congregation spoke of the opposition Messianic believers face. “Israel is a democratic country, where we have freedom of speech, however, there are those who try and stop us. We have had threats, but we are Israelis, we love our country, speak Hebrew and are here to stay until Yeshua returns”.

Asher Intrater says Israeli viewers are open to the Gospel when they discover the genealogy of Jesus. “When they realise Yeshua is one of us, that He is a native Israeli, all of a sudden the opposition goes away. Shelanu is not an import coming from outside. It’s us speaking from the inside, sharing to our people, heart to heart.”

Ron Cantor, who is a local pastor in Tel Aviv and GOD TV’s regional director for Israel, says Shelanu TV is a game-changer in Jewish and Arab outreach. “I have lived in Israel for 17 years, and our Shelanu launch dinner was one of the most powerful events I can remember. There was universal excitement amongst all the leaders in attendance.”

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See GOD TV for ongoing updates of Shelanu TV’s launch on Hot Cable

One Comment

  1. This is wonderful news – thank you for sharing.
    I am a Messianic Jew, from South Africa, planing a visit to Israel, trusting this will take place this year