No compromise + prayer + action = breakthrough

Defending family, faith and freedom

Part of the crowd of about 2 500 Christians who gathered in Central Cape Town on Saturday (Novemnber 10) to participate in the Dedication of the Western Cape to Jesus.

I am always encouraged when the Body of Christ abandons the relative security of the sanctuary to make a public declaration to stand in the gap for the nation in heartfelt repentance and prayer.

On November 10, about 2 500 Christians across the denominational spectrum gathered in Cape Town’s City Centre to repent for the sins of their province and nation, and petition God for revival.

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The unified assembly made several public declarations of faith and our dependence on God. We acknowledged God’s sovereign rule over our nation and prayed for His intervention.

“Watchmen on the Wall” recorded the entire event which will be broadcast on TBN on 27 Nov.

The Church of Jesus Christ is riddled with the cancer of compromise. Compromise with the world has weakened the Church’s impact and influence in society. Jesus warned that if His disciples – the Body of Christ – lost their “saltiness” they would be trampled underfoot by men.

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Sadly, the Church in SA is paralysed by denominationalism, political correctness and compromise.

However, Jesus birthed His Church in the earth to be an extension of His love, power and authority. The Church is operating way below its full potential thereby neglecting its primary mandate.

As a result of this, I was compelled to write my first book – “No Compromise – Serving Christ in a Culture Hostile to Your Faith” – to stir the Body of Christ to prayer and action.

My prayer is this book will serve as a catalyst to inspire, provoke and mobilise the greater Church of Jesus Christ in SA to deliberately fulfil its Biblical mandate to be “Salt & Light” to society.

“No Compromise” was released by Christian Art Publishers and is available online and at all CUM Book Stores nationwide. It will also hopefully be available at your local Church bookstore.

On the subject of being “Salt & Light,” the Gauteng based union AfriForm has organised a March against Crime in Cape Town on Wednesday November 21, 2012 – and requested FPI’s help.

The murders of women and children including entire families are a national disgrace. The Medical Research Council recently told Parliament that a woman is murdered every eight hours in SA.

The South African Police Service is riddled with internal strife, incompetence and corruption. As a result, SAPS cannot effectively investigate and combat violent crime in South Africa.

Crime affects every citizen. Government’s primary responsibility is to protect law abiding citizens and punish law breakers. Unfortunately, it is failing in this most fundamental of duties. I therefore appeal to Christians in Cape Town to join the March against Crime on Nov 21, 2012.

The March will begin at 10h00 at CPUT and proceed to Parliament where a Memorandum will be handed to the Speaker of Parliament by singer, Bobby van Jaarsveld and other SA celebrities.

“Watchmen on the Wall” will be there to record proceedings and will also attempt to interview the Minister or Deputy Minister of Police about the spiralling murder rates in South Africa.

Christian citizens must lead the fight against crime, moral decline and injustice. Jesus gave His Church the authority to trample upon scorpions and serpents. Let us exercise this authority!

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