North Korean sends rare letter: ‘We pray the Lord blesses you’

Originally published in Open Doors

It’s very rare that we receive direct communication from our family in North Korea. Occasionally, we get stories from believers in Open Doors’ safe houses in China, yet rarely are we able to read precious words straight from the mouths of our brothers and sisters still inside the country.

However, Open Doors recently received two letters smuggled out of the country. The underground Christians cannot be too specific in their details, but still paint a picture of what it means to be faithful to Christ in North Korea.

Between 300 000 and 500 000 North Koreans secretly follow Jesus inside the country but because of the danger involved we often don’t have direct contact. These secret believers want to share with you how much your prayers mean to them. Read the two letters below (we have removed details for safety).

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Dear Brother,

How are you doing in the presence of God?

I would like to give you an update on how we are doing. Right now trade is severely restricted because of the pandemic. As a result, there are far too few goods to obtain.

All the tribulations we face, such as the pandemic and persecution, remind us of a time of war.

Despite these difficulties, we remain faithful to the work of Jesus Christ. Our hearts cling to Him. The North Korean church has been saved by the blood of Christ. The future of our church depends on our faith, our families and the next generation.

We thank Father God for His protection and heavenly mercy He sends us every time. We pray desperately that we may hear His voice.

We want to thank all brothers and sisters for their love and support from the underground network of the North Korean church. We pray for you that God will protect your body and soul with His infinite grace and blessing.’

Another writes,

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We want to express our gratitude for your love and help. Every time we receive it, we think of the blood of Jesus who paid for our sins and our faith is strengthened by it.

Our hearts fill with warm tears when we experience your love and care. You care for us spiritually and physically.

The more difficult life is, the more God’s warm help surrounds us. We become united and strong. We do not flinch from the tribulation we find ourselves in. The faith in our hearts is as strong as a fortress.

Finally, as always, we want to thank all our brothers and sisters from around the world for their continued support and dedication so that we can continue to believe. The sick are healed, and we are empowered while you yourselves are already so busy.

On behalf of all the faithful in my region, I pray for the health of your bodies, and we pray you the Lord will bless you with every blessing.


Keep praying for our North Korean family. Bind these letters on your heart to remind you of your worldwide family who loves you as much as you love them.

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