Nothing is wasted

[notice]A response to what is happening prophetically in the world today — A monthly column by Julie de Lisle[/notice]

Recently  over a period of 3 weeks I kept hearing this “sound”. Seeing as though it had no physical origin, and I am of sound mind, I started to question The Lord about it. One day while working, this young boy opened his school bag in the salon, and Walla!, the “sound”! I asked him to repeat his action a few times just to make sure, yes that’s what I have been hearing, a zip action.  Some of you might think this weird, for a split second I did too, but knowing my God, there was surely an explanation that would follow.

“So God, You are zipping something open, show me what it is.” That Sunday night in church during worship, God showed me this great big zip above the church building and He was slowly pulling it back. I heard him say that He is opening up the heavens above us as a church in South Africa at the moment but it was for a specific reason. It feels like there is this perfect condition God is creating right now for us to ask. He is longing for us to ask, so He can respond. I felt God say we have stopped asking, in fact we have stopped dreaming. I also saw a sea of words in the spirit, regret, mediocrity, fear, loss of zeal, impatience, anger, unbelief, despondency, tiredness and disillusionment. These are the things that cause dreams, visions, callings in God to die, they drown in the sea of these. The reason for this “open heaven” is for us to ask, to dream, to contend for those things that we have allowed to die in this sea. 

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How many times as a child did you have a dream, even if a lofty one like to change history, to travel to the nations for God, to be a teacher, a doctor, to fly a plane, or learn to sew. To help people or be a wife and mother…… The list goes on and on. You may be saying, yes I was younger then, or it was just a fantasy, I believe we have stopped dreaming, and God is saying, ” come on dream again my people, I am longing to fulfill your dreams, just ask me! “

I am convinced that Great dreams working together is on heaven’s agenda right now!

I have been listening to a wonderful worship CD called “Nothing is wasted”  by Elevation Worship. I am not sure if this has happened to any of you, but it happens to me all the time, I hear a song and it starts speaking to me and I put it on repeat, listening  to it over and over again, this was one of those.

The lyrics are :

You are loving, you are wise

There is nothing in my life

You cannot revive

You are loving, You are wise

There is nothing too hard for our God

Nothing is wasted

You work all things for good

Nothing is wasted

Your Promise remains

Forever you reign.

Absolutely nothing that has happened in our lives up to now has been a waste of time;We know that God works all things together for good for the ones who love God, for those who are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28 CEB). It doesn’t matter if right now you say “God I don’t have a dream”, get with God and he will show you His dreams for your life, what a better way.  The Lord will work out his plans for my life for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever (Psalms 138:8 NLT). Those Prophetic words we had as individuals, as churches, pull them out, start offering them back to our Heavenly Father. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. (James 1:17 ESV). Remember the longings of your hearts, the dreams and visions for your lives and your churches, don’t be afraid, you have nothing to lose. This Godhis way is perfect; the word of the Lord proves true; he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him. (Psalm 18:30 ESV).   We serve a truly magnificent God.

The Spirit of the living God is in us, why would we choose to live in less than He has for us right now, that’s clearly not what He wants from us at this moment in time.  He is more real than the ground we are standing on,  He is more real than the wind in your lungs and skin on your bones.

There is a shift, a favour, a  momentum, do you hear that sound, that zip being pulled back?

It’s time to dream again. So come, let’s ask expectantly, knowing that God is more than ready and always able to do more than we can ask or think or imagine. 

As long as we are breathing lets not stop contending! 

In His Grip



  1. Thank you for this. I used wonder why the Lord waited until I was nearly 40 before he worked in my life and saved me. I then did my best to train up my children so they would come to know and walk with the Lord, and they each made a commitment, but one has fallen away and the others are lukewarm, so I’ve sometimes wondered why God saved me when he hasn’t saved my family all these years down the line. I even asked myself at one stage, “Have I wasted my time?” The reason I started going to church was so my children could get a moral grounding, because I knew I was ill-equipped for the task. (I know I must keep my eyes on the Lord, not my circumstances, so I’m still praying and trusting for breakthrough).

    • Dear observer. I too have a 25 year old son who grew up in the church and knew God, he walked away for 3 years and it broke my heart. I just kept praying and believing the promises God had given me for his life. Last year his fiancé fell pregnant and this led them both back to church, they said they knew that they could not make a success of there marraige and bringing up a child without God. So my encouragement to you is don’t stop contending! God is faithful. Blessings Julie

  2. Dear Julie,
    This word is so spot on. Bless you and may we thank God for his awesome word of encouragement. Will we dare to dream.
    God blessJane

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