Open Doors calling on Christians to pray for persecuted church in November

idop2013Open Doors is mobilising Christians around the world to unite in prayer for the persecuted Church during the International Days of Prayer (IDOP) from November 3 to 10, 2013.

According to Gerrit Coetzee, CEO of Open Doors South Africa, the aim of IDOP is “to take a stand alongside the persecuted Church, and to pray that our persecuted brothers and sisters will be able to stand firm and to continue making known the mystery of the Gospel to their neighbours, in those places where faith costs the most”.

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Open Doors suggest the following ways to engage during IDOP this year:

  • Use the IDOP resources* (prayer cards, videos, a sermon, etc.) to be a voice for the persecuted and get your family, small group or church to pray with you. 
  • Invite an Open Doors representative to come and share some testimonies on how our persecuted brothers and sisters are standing strong in the storms of persecution at your next Sunday meeting. 
  • Add your voice to Open Doors’ Save Syria: Church on her knees advocacy campaign and SPEAK OUT and PRAY on behalf of our Christian brothers and sisters in Syria. 
  • Make a conscious decision to pray for the persecuted Church whenever you stand in a queue during the month of November… Whether in a queue at the bank, post office, school, you can lift our persecuted brothers and sisters up in prayer. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter to get daily prayer updates… while you are waiting.

 More ways to take a stand for the persecuted Church or download resources are available online at or by contacting 011 888 9341 or

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  1. I will be with you, and I will share this.

  2. apostel paul mwebaza

    lat God do u protection
    and we will be in prayer for u all time.

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