Organisers of ‘blessed’ Joburg prayer rally for Israel plan similar events throughout SA

Standing together for Israel at a packed Redemption Church in Johannesburg on Sunday

A multicultural crowd of about 900 people sang, prayed and proclaimed Scripture together “with fervour” at a prayer rally for Israel at the Redemption Church, Johannesburg on Sunday, said Vivienne Myburgh national director of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, South Africa (ICEJ).

She said that the event, which was organised in just three days by South African Friends of Israel (SAFI), ICEJ, Bridges For Peace and some individuals, was “blessed and anointed” and marked by “real unity”, with Christian pastors, a Jewish rabbi, a member of Parliament, a deputy Israeli ambassador, and members of the Jewish community joining the predominantly-Christian crowd in praying for Israel, for the release of the hostages and “for our beloved South Africa”.

Rabbi Devon Mogg addresses the gathering

In contrast to a related rally in Sea Point, Cape Town, which was cancelled the previous Sunday after it was violently disrupted by a large crowd of Palestine supporters, “it was peaceful and held in a good spirit”, she said.

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She said members of the Jewish community present were “incredibly blessed” by the event.

Christians who attended loved hearing from the different speakers. They really wanted to stand with Israel, to know more about God’s heart for His people and to find out how they could help, she said.

“We really experienced open hearts from churches. Churches that maybe beforehand, it wasn’t an issue for them, are opening up and saying: ‘We want to understand more. We want to be involved on some level.

United in diversity

“So, I think this is the beginning of more [such events]. I don’t think it’s the end. In fact, we’re looking at doing similar events in Durban, PE, Bloemfontein, Pretoria. And also, after what happened in Cape Town, were are just evaluating what takes place in Cape Town,” said Myburgh.

Bafana Modise national spokesperson of SAFI said Sunday’s prayer event was marked by “the unity of South Africans in our diversity standing for Israel. The united voices of all South Africans — Jews in the church. rabbis talking in the church. These are interesting times and as they always say: ‘Behold, God is doing a new thing’.”

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  1. Beverley Achilles

    Shalom. My heart had been longing to be at the event in Sea Point Cape Town. Due to transport problem. Then I read what happened on that Sunday. I am from up country. Still praying for Israel and the Jewish nation.


  3. Shalom, we were at the Sea Point meeting and before it could even begin, the radical pro p’s had taken over the area were the prayer meeting was to be held and after tearing away an Israeli flag from one person ( not many had arrived yet), they went for the police and it was a concern that the police could not control the crowd ; only after a few minutes did they do something to bring the radicals under some kind of control … but it was shocking to see the hate and anger in display. Fortunately we had a great meeting yesterday and the Lord was uplifted as well as prayer for Israel proclaimed in the Cape . Am Israel Chai

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