Other News

US and Palestine headed for showdown over UN application for statehood?

By Nicola Menzie – Originally published in Christian Post As Palestinians officially kick off their bid for statehood recognition by the United Nations, a Jewish interest group is calling on President Barack Obama to stand firm with Israel and reverse his so-called “anti-Israel” stance. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has said […]

Global Leadership Summit profiles: 8 & 9/12

[notice]It is 3 weeks to the launch of the 2011 Global Leadership Summit (GLS) in South Africa. Today we profile the 8th and 9th profiles of the 12 expert speakers who will challenge and inspire summit delegates around the world with the end goal of empowering local churches to transform […]

What to do about crime?

[notice]While on a mission trip to Europe, Port Elizabeth pastor, Afrika Mhlophe, reflects on the problem of crime back home.[/notice] The crime statistics are out and looks like the Eastern Cape Province is losing the battle on crime. We now have the dubious dishonour of being the murder capital of […]

New website brings best of network’s past and present to smart phones, laptops, and connected TVs

Originally published in Christian Newswire Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), the world’s largest religious broadcaster, today announced the launch of  iTBN, a new online service that brings the best of TBN’s programming – past and present – to one convenient website. “Online broadcast is the future of TV,” said TBN’s Chief of Staff Paul Crouch […]