Other News

Miraculous recovery of wife of international evangelist, Stephen Lungu

Prayer networks in Southern Africa and beyond were alerted last week that Rachel Lungu, wife of international African Enterprise (AE) evangelist Stephen Lungu, was in a critical state in a Malawi hopital after contracting malaria. Intercessors continued to lift prayers as reports followed that despite doctors’ best efforts Rachel’s condition […]

Fleeing Boko Haram – nowhere to run, nowhere to hide

    More than 2.5million people displaced in unprecedented humanitarian disaster  By Illia Djadi — Originally published in World Watch Monitor  A special report by IRIN, built on field visits to Nigeria’s north-eastern region which the military has re-taken from the Boko Haram insurgency, reveals an unprecedented humanitarian disaster in […]

Drop goal legend, Jannie de Beer’s example of obedient faith in action

[notice]A monthly Christian sport column by Cobus Kruger, a professional triathlete who is passionate about evangelism, leadership and community development through sport.[/notice] The World Cup rugby is finished and New Zealand earned a well-deserved win. The impact of Carter’s drop goal in the Semi-Finals (All Blacks vs Boks) was significant. […]

Jesus — The X factor in Xmas

[notice]A monthly column by Michael Cassidy, evangelist, author, Christian leader and founder of African Enterprise whose ministry in Africa and the world has spanned more than 50 years.[/notice] I must say, whoever he was, X started something pretty unusual. In three short years, the length of an undergraduate’s career, he […]