Other News

Seeing opportunity in SA’s problems

How do we view the things happening in our beloved country at present? When we open our newspapers and read of yet more murders, rapes, fraud, and road deaths, to say nothing of a government that has failed to deliver on so many fronts, what is our reaction? Do we […]

Terror hits the Indian Ocean tourist island of Zanzibar

By Apolinari Tairo — Originally published in ETN Christians on the Indian Ocean island of Zanzibar are living with fears following frequent attacks and the Sunday (February 17) brutal killing of a Catholic priest on this Muslim-dominated island. Gunmen have shot dead a Catholic priest, Father Evarist Mushi, at the […]

Seeing things in perspective

[notice]A fortnightly devotional based on everyday experiences.[/notice] Don’t shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ—that’s where the action is. See things from his perspective. Colossians 3:1-2 (MSG) “Two tweets, people!” […]

Al-Qaeda 3.0

[notice] Recent developments in Algeria, Syria, Iraq and Mali have shown the new generation of Al-Qaeda, “Al-Qaeda 3.0”, to be alive and thriving. As seen with communism, a simple ideology can be removed, but with religion, an attempt at removal only creates martyrs who will further their cause or religious […]