Paige Omartian — Wake Up: Review

PAIGEOMARTIANMusic Review by Ellenor Lotter


This week I want to introduce you to a remarkable young lady by the name of Paige Omartian and her first release WAKE UP.  One of the things about this album that really struck me was the depth of the lyrics of these songs. She speaks with wisdom and almost knowing that I have not heard very often in younger recording artists.  By now you also know that I almost devour the cover booklet to get to know more of the person or band featured.  The words “Paige has a story” immediately tickled me and this uncovered information that would really have me hooked!  As it turns out, this beautiful girl got married on 11/11/11.  What is so special about this date?  I will never forget this day, because this was the first ever Global Day of Worship!!!  The privileged gentlemen who won her heart, was the producer of her first album, Chris Omartian.

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I knew the last name rang a bell, but I was completely bowled over by the fact that she is actually married to the son of well known Christian Author and speaker, Stormie Omartian. Stormie has written numerous books on the Power of Prayer and this union of her son with this incredible young lady, I believe, is a direct result of a mother’s prayer…

Paige has walked an amazing road with God. At the age of 11 years she was diagnosed with Ewings Sarcoma. This is a rare bone cancer that usually occurs in children during their growth period.  She miraculously overcame all the odds and testifies:  “I didn’t realize that I was actually entering into an amazing journey that He had handpicked me for and placed me on. I didn’t realize that He intended to take my suffering and turn it into the greatest blessings in my life.”

Through a wish granted to her by the Make-A-Wish Foundation, she went to Nashville, TN and recorded a professional CD which became a doorway into opportunities to sing and speak all over the country.  This girl has something to say, so WAKE UP and listen!

God not only healed me of cancer, but He awakened my soul. And for that, I wouldn’t trade a day of my pain. He opened my eyes to see the preciousness of life, and how we don’t know whether we even have tomorrow. He showed me that I have a purpose – each one of us do – and that I can’t waste my life.”

We all have a story, so be inspired and tell yours!

Until next time, let the worshipper in you arise!

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