Painting from Alaska declares ‘awakening, unlocking’ of Africa

This painting, “Unlocking Africa”, by Rachel Maiorano, of Art By The Spirit, Alaska, USA, will be on the stage at the Awakening South Africa National Day of Prayer and Repentance at FNB Stadium, Johannesburg on March 22

On January 26 in Anchorage, Alaska, prophetic artist Rachel Maiorano heard the Lord say: “It’s time for the awakening and unlocking of Africa.”

She said God then prompted her to finish a painting of Africa that she had started in 2021, by adding a working lock and key to the artwork and the Scriptures Isaiah 43:19, Matthew 16:19, and Romans 16:20.

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Sixteen thousand kilometres away, in Johannesburg South Africa, another Rachel — chartered accountant Rachel Kalidass, learned of the painting and invited the artist to present it on the stage at the upcoming Awakening South Africa National Day of Prayer and Repentance at the FNB Stadium which she is organising.

Rachel Kalidass

She said her life took an unexpected turn in 2022, when Apostle David McDonald, a South African ministry leader based in America, called her out of a crowd at a church conference in Johannesburg and prophesied that she would be a “Daniel” who would impact the future of SA. Last year she received a call from the Lord through dreams and prophetic confirmations to arrange the stadium prayer day on March 22 this year.

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This week, Rachel Maiorano sent Rachel Kalidass the following account of how she came to do the Unlocking Africa painting:

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“Unlocking Africa” Four-year journey

My process of creating a painting must be in the obedience and timing of the Holy Spirit to prophetically release what God is saying in the Earth.

Equip 2018
I was awakened at 4 am to the sound of clanging metal, a deafening, bone-rattling noise. As I looked, I saw the Lion of Judah planting His feet on the world with the keys in his mouth. He shook his head violently, causing the keys to clang loudly. As He did, lights were turned on all over Alaska. Darkness was shaken, chains were broken, and the land was coming alive. I heard the Lord say, “Awaken, Bride! The four winds have His breath! Awaken Bride! Come away with me. It is time!” -Ephesians 4:11-13, Song of Songs 2:13

Unlocking Africa with Equip 2021
Bridge of Hope Apostolic Center sent a missionary team to Africa, for whom I interceded. Again, the Equip Lion visited me, shaking His keys with Africa. I began painting while in prayer and intercession. As I worked on the topographical map, I saw the movement of snakes and other creatures. I had a vision of Jesus’ foot crushing the head of a snake. As I painted Jesus crushing the snake, peace came over the map, and the land began to sing again.

The Completion 2025
In January 2025, Apostle David Mcdonald came to minister at Bridge of Hope Apostolic Center in Peters Creek, Alaska. During prayer over Apostle David’s feet, two of us had the same vision, confirming his heel crushing the head of a snake. The Lord told me to ask Apostle David when he was returning to Africa. He then told us about the prayer gathering in March in Johannesburg. I told him I had a painting for him to bring. On January 26, I heard the lock sliding open over and over as the key was turning. I heard the Lord say, “It’s time for the awakening and the unlocking of Africa!” The Lord prompted me to finish the painting, adding the key, lock, and scriptures Isaiah 43:19, Matthew 16:19, and Romans 16:20.

 Rachel Maiorano also sent the following commentary on the completed painting which was made by Apostle Zach Chandler of Bridge of Hope Apostolic Center, Peters Creek, Alaska:

I saw the cracks and fractures in Africa being filled with gold. The word curses, the pain, false doctrines, war, abandonment, etc. God is redeeming, restoring, and refining the things that man and our enemy have meant for evil and harm. The fractures will be strengthened and made beautiful. I also saw God unlocking resources in Africa that will not be exploited, manipulated, or stolen. These resources are not just gold, diamonds, oil, lithium, cobalt, and other things hidden under the earth; God’s greatest resource is also being unlocked: the people.

Also see video below, in which members of the church in Alaska discuss the painting:

Rachel Kalidass told Gateway News that since 2022 she has kept in contact with David McDonald, who has continued to encourage her and who will be a speaker at the Awakening prayer event at the FNB Stadium. McDonald, who is a spiritual son of Che Ahn, a US pastor and leader of an international apostolic network, introduced her to Che on a Zoom call in December last year, where he prophesied that the stadium prayer day will be a historic gathering that will shift SA and other nations.

She said that Che, who also mentors US pastor Lou Engle, who is known for leading major prayer events around the world, was the first person to sow financially into the upcoming day of prayer at FNB Stadium.

She said she was encouraged by the international attention that the day of prayer was receiving through David McDonald and Che Ahn’s prayer networks. It was also encouraging to hear that a prophetic artist in Alaska was sensing it is Africa’s time for being awakened and unlocked, just as the Lord has been showing her and others in SA.

She said that the prayer day steering committee members are currently hard at work mobilising SA prayer networks and Christian leaders to come together “for this one objective of revival and spiritual awakening”.

Opportunities to join the stadium prayer movement include:

  • Join a weekly prayer campaign by registering here:
  • Mobilise your community to attend the March 22 prayer day at FNB Stadium
  • Give financially to the project at the banking details below:
    Awakening South Africa National Day of Prayer and Repentance
    Investec Private Bank
    Branch Code: 580105
    Account Number: 10011536636

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