Passion — Take It All (Deluxe Edition): Music Review

Music Review by Ellenor Lotter


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PASSION:  What are you passionate about?  What drives you to pursue something beyond your own ability?  What inspires you?  What does this word even mean to ordinary people like you and me?  Is this a word exclusively reserved for the leaders and fore-runners?  It’s in moments like these that I draw on the strengths of one of my dear friends who happen to be an English Language Teacher.  She always has an Oxford Concise Dictionary within reach:  “Strong, barely controllable emotion, strong enthusiasm. Religiously used to refer to the suffering of Christ during His last days.  PASSIONATE:  Dominated by or easily moved to strong feeling.”  Do you get the idea? 

In Jeremiah 20:9 the prophet said:  “I will not mention his word or speak anymore in his name,” his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones.”  It has become clear to me in the past years, as I have encountered material released by Louie Giglio and the PASSION movement, that they are driven by this “fire shut up in my bones”.  It has to be PASSION that would drive a group of Jesus-followers to make it their life mission to reach out and impact thousands of University Students all over the United States and now even worldwide.    

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The Passion Movement was initially started by Louis and his wife Shelley in 1997 and the foundational scripture for this beautiful move of God, is a scripture Louis fondly refers to as his ‘life verse’:  Isaiah 26:8 – “Yes, LORD, walking in the way of your laws, we wait for you; your name and renown are the desire of our hearts.”

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From 1997 until 2007 Louie and the Passion Ministry team hosted six Passion Gatherings ministering to over 71 000 students and subsequently went on to regional events before embarking on the Passion World Tour in 2008. 

Louie and those tLord has placed around him, formed Sixsteps Records and this became a world renowned record label for many of the well-known artists in the gospel music industry.  Sixsteps Records has been responsible for the production of the worship recordings and DVD’s of the conferences and of those over one million copies has been sold.  Thanks to Maranatha Record Company this week’s focus falls on PASSION: TAKE IT ALL Deluxe Edition.

With artists like Chris Tomlin, David Crowder Band, Matt Redman, Charlie Hall, Kristian Stanfill and Christy Nockels, you will certainly be treated to the best of the best.  Each of these artists has made a name in the industry individually but together, a fantastic dynamic is released, a dynamic that has impacted countless young people over the years.  This Deluxe Edition has a bonus DVD included and this contains two song videos of LET IT BE JESUS by Christy Nockels and COME AS YOU ARE by David Crowder Band. 

No person can speak about a vision like the visionary and this DVD also includes a talk by Louie Giglio, titled CRUSHED BY GRACE.  I believe this album will move you to PASSION.

Let the worshipper in you arise!


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