Passion World Tour set to fill SA stadiums

Worshiping the King at the packed Atlanta Dome during Passion 2012 in January.

The Passion World Tour arrives in South Africa this month and is ready to fill stadiums with tens of thousands of Christians with a passion to worship the Lord and pursue justice.

And Passion history is being made in South Africa: for the first time since its inception in 1997, the event will be open to everyone. While the heart of Passion is still the student generation, people of all ages will be able to attend the Pretoria, Durban and Cape Town worship, prayer and teaching gatherings led by Louie Giglio and worship leaders Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman and Christy Nockels.

Louie Giglio.

The Passion team has booked enough stadium seats for more than 100 000 people — at Supersport Park in Pretoria on September 26, the ICC Arena in Durban on October 2, and the Cape Town Stadium on October 6.

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According to Passion founder Giglio the heart of the movement has always been to see a generation stake their lives on what matters most — the fame of Jesus (See Isaiah 26:8.) Over the years Passion has encountered millions of students and 18-to-25 year olds around the world. Since 2007 Passion’s “Do Something Now” initiative has powerfully wed the expression of worship with justice as students have given over 65 million rands to partner organisations around the world. At the Passion 2012 gathering at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta, Georgia, students learned about the realities faced by 27 million people in the world who are enslaved as forced labourers, child labourers or trapped in the sex trade. Giglio challenged students to take action today and to pursue what makes them come alive … and do it for the glory of God.

Giglio, who is pastor of Passion City Church in Atlanta, and who is well-known for his talks and books on the magnitude of God as reflected in the universe and the human body (Indescribable and How Great is our God) has been to South Africa several times. In 2008 Cape Town was included in a Passion World Tour of 16 nations.

Tickets for the Passion events in South Africa can be purchased from Computicket. Prices are R175 now; R225 from September 20 and R250 at the gate.

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  1. This looks like great stuff – pity we in PE will miss out!

  2. I have never heard the word “fame” associated with Jesus, perhaps because I come from a more mainstream Christian background. I find it quite disturbing. I think the last thing in the world Jesus wanted was to be famous. His earthly ministry was characterised by humility. He had few possessions. He told people he had healed not to speak about what he had done. He was not famous.

    • It comes from Scripture: Isaiah 26:8 (See link in text). It is a theme that recurs throughout the Old and New Testaments. It is the main business of heaven: See Rev 5:13 (Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, singing: “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!”). And before Jesus ascended he told his disciples (and us) that their main purpose was to be His witnesses everywhere (Acts 1:7). “Fame” may not be the word that we hear most often but indeed it is true to Scripture and it is particularly appropriate in our culture which makes idols of men — which is, I suspect, one of the reasons why that Isaiah scripture resonated with Giglio, who has a great heart for young people.

      • Thank you for this helpful explanation. My concern is that the word “fame” has such bad associations in today’s world. Young people have to sift through and deconstruct a string of damaging perceptions to arrive at a truthful understanding of Jesus as “famous”. It will require a lot of very demanding emotional work.

      • Mr Andre, I think Melody is right on point about Fame. The gospel of Jesus Christ was not meant for people to use it for fame but to reach out to the lost at all costs. Yes i really get inspired when people get together and whorship our Father, but remember its their talent to sing and they choose to use it to worship God. its not the annointing as many call it. Lets not be deceived by many who come and claim to be for Jesus while they promiting their life styles. The scripture in Isaiah 26:8 “Yes, in the way of Your judgments,
        O Lord, we have waited for You;
        The desire of our soul is for Your name
        And for the remembrance of You” This doesnt sound like fame to me but remebering the Lord and wating for him as one walk righteously and about the desire we have for the Lord. and another thing that we need to remember is that music,dance or should i say people’s talent can not bring people to Jesus but when one goes out and preach the true word. Music was made for worship and praise to Father not to reach out to the broken hearted and those leaving in the dark. Lets use the word of God and we see the world coming to our only Lodr and saviour Jesus Christ!

  3. Awesome that South Africa is part of their tour, but wouldn’t it be even more awesome if Port Elizabeth was included. Maybe next time???

  4. Only 18 to 25’s?

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