PE, Cape Town, Durban among places where God doing something new

Christians praying together in front of the Port Elizabeth City Hall at the end of a 12-hour Youth Day prayer campaign on Wednesday that united people from different churches in the city

God showed her that great transformation is coming to Port Elizabeth, a city that He has a heart for, said attorney and prophetess Annelie Bevan during a prophetic prayer webinar hosted by SA Back to God on June 3.

“Change is going to come to Port Elizabeth like never before. I see walls crumbling down and I see
some foundations being pulled into the city and the Lord is saying:”I’m building My city in Port Elizabeth,” she said.

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“I feel that great change is going to come there,” she said.

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She said that as SA moves closer to local government elections in October a greater sense of community will develop in areas where local government is failing the most, and the Lord will turn those places around. Independent candidates in the elections will be used by God as agents of change in a process in which communities will say they want their cities to be different.

Change will come slowly in most of these communities, accompanied by a gradual infiltration of godly people into local government.

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But she said she felt there would be rapid change in certain communities “where the Lord will just break through”. These will be communities where people gather together to pray in unity, she said.

She said she saw that rural communities would lead in taking hands together and that God had these places on His heart.

As people came together over race and language boundaries for the greater good of their communities, God would say this was what His Kingdom looks like.

During the same webinar, Dr Irma Simpson, a medical doctor and prophetic teacher, shared on a dream she had last September, in which God showed her certain cities in SA.

She said He showed her certain areas that were very dark and people just started praying — in poor areas and smaller communities. People of different races started linking arms. Then churches started praying, bigger auditoriums and even stadiums were filled with people praying and repenting before God and crying out to him to pour out His Spirit.

“And then I saw this prayer movement escalate over the next four years. And then I saw that certain portals were opening over certain cities. I saw Cape Town being like a massive wave. And I saw Upington, George, PE, Johannesburg, and Pretoria, and I saw those cities specifically. And I saw that where the places were very dark the light of God
just shone even more brightly.

“And I just saw that great colour exploded and innovation was released. I saw strategies were released. I saw creative strategies and even resources being released. And i saw such a joy and an expectation in the people of South Africa and that hope was once again restored to this nation.”

Simpson added that while she was praying before the Zoom meeting she saw that Cape Town is a “key city” where God has been “preparing the ground”.

“I see the glory of God over Cape Town. I see the fires of revival break open, not only in one place but in many places

“I see Psalm 46: For there’s a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. I saw coloured rainbows explode everywhere. I saw creativity and extreme beauty being released

Worshipers in Cape Town on May 23 as a prophetic scroll was being released above them on top of Table Mountain

“I saw beautiful art pieces made, beautiful music and new songs written. I saw such cultural beauty and even God’s presence — even in the Afrikaans movie industry. I saw God touching many in this industry and many getting saved. I saw new theatre productions.

“I saw prominent figures — even in the arts and entertainment mountain — being saved. and you will even read about it in the papers.”

Simpson also spoke of seeing growth in seemingly insignificant churches because of their prayer and crying out to God for authenticity, as well as refreshing, renewal, hope restored and signs and wonders. She saw strong opposition from Islam and God calling on His people to pray more than every before.

She said she saw positive signs in the economy — “even in small businesses and in the tourist industry in Cape Town”. South Africa will be more productive that ever and there will be an abundance of resources.

“It is a season to be confident and courageous,” she said.

Sharing about another dream she had last year, she said she had seen the tentacles of an octopus over some coastal cities like PE and Durban. But through prevailing prayer, the tentacles were removed and great transformation came to PE and Durban, she said.

It is a season in which God will really shake the lives of the unjust and the righteous will once again flourish, she said. It is time for the Church to arise and to pray like never before.

She said she felt a Scripture for the hour is Jeremiah 1:10 —“See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.”

Invited to share more revelation, Bevan said the Lord was saying that at the moment when it seemed darkest, the moment of breakthrough was the closest. And that to see their cities transform churches had to arise and act in unity.

“The Lord gave me four words. He says churches will have to change their strategy. It will have to be ‘equip and send out’. And the principles of this move will be based on truth and faith

“It’s as if God is going to do something great the moment that we are established in the truth and when our faith can increase to do mighty things.”

She said the Lord was not calling for people to be sent to distant countries but “to schools in your community, to the businesses in your community, to the industries in your community, to the media networks in your community, to the arts in your community. Bring change to these mountains and these mountains will reach the other mountains in nations father and further away from you. Change starts in your own backyard.”

She said she sensed God was going to do something great in communities and that already He was turning around what the enemy hoped to do through Covid and isolation by bringing communities closer together

God is also raising up youth at this time, she said.

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